Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Save Your Breath CD

I urge you to Save Your Breath. How precious your breath is? Feel the sensation of taking it!

For what shall you use this precious breath? Save your breath for saying the warm and loving things your family and friends long to hear. Use it for engaging oratory aimed at saving the world and your community!

You literally save your breath by preserving and planting trees! … Stopping air pollution! By quitting smoking!

Some breath, though, is wasted. We can’t help that. However, we can save it in certain rote instances. One place that comes to mind is the constant repetition of certain lines used to train children.

Save Your Breath, the company, evolved from my needing help as a parent and wanting to help other parents and caregivers to also “save their breath”. Having to repeat the same training lines over and over and over again for 10+ years is a universal problem! I’ve developed a CD (and a Phone App that’s in review) to help save some of this wasted breath!

These products were created because I saw the necessity to address, in the ‘real’ world, the need for parents to catch a break periodically in the process of raising their children. Raising children is no easy task and requires many tools that run the gamut from tight to relaxed discipline. Let’s jump to a little sanity.

Besides, for kids, part of the fun of getting your attention is to have you standing there saying this stuff repeatedly. It’s a child’s power play, sometimes conscious, most times not. Are you conscious? People listen to music and business recordings over and over again to learn, to enjoy. This is no different. Put the Save Your Breath CD in earshot of the kid and go have a cup of chamomile tea.

This CD is a re-release of the original CD: Harper: “I’ll Say It Again”. Order now and receive a FREE copy of the ORIGINAL Harper CD (while they last). Just fill in your email address, shipping address and Amazon order confirmation number here and we’ll get it right out to you. Your information will not be sold or shared.


Take my advice on child discipline. Save Your Breath sometimes.

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