Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Child abusing you? The foundation of ‘how it is’ is what YOU say ‘it is’. As the parent, remember you got here first! Don’t let your child be the boss of you! I see way too many parents disrespected or bullied by their own child.

This may be the result of ‘doing the opposite’ of the way they were raised. Perhaps their parents were too strict or abusive bullies or they were very poor. It’s understandable but sometimes we overcompensate. This is harmful to the child. If your child bullys you, they’ll bully others. As they grow they become even more unmanageable and now they’re BIGGER!

When they get out into the world as an adult their relationships suffer. The quality of person attracted to them may be one that is unhealthy or dangerous for them. Remember, we are protecting their futures also. Prisons are full of bullies … and people who were tired of being bullied. Their work life will be no exception. At work we have working relationships with people. Promotions and success depend on it.

Balance is key. ‘How’ you say what ‘it is’ makes all of the difference. What came before and what comes after you say ‘how it is’ determines whether a satisfactory upbringing is underway. Respect is earned, even by parents and I assure you that having your child run you is showing a serious lack of respect by the child and by you for yourself. Weak parents know who they are. Regardless of how cute our babies are, it’s in their best interest and society’s that we stop being so lame!

Do you see your child abusing you?

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