Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media


You’re rushing down the street. Excited and anxious to get to your business appointment on time. You glance at your watch. Looks like you’ll just make it on time when… you realize… you left your baby on the bus!!!

Is your mojo out of whack? If you find yourself running ragged and dropping things through the cracks, it’s a sign that your mojo is out of whack. Pull your Mojo in!… And what is your mojo? You may ask. It’s your ‘Universal Resource’…that part of yourself that is the universal joint in the drive shaft that is your life.

It’s your magic… your spark that gets things done. We often forget that the power that moves our lives comes from within. Some of us don’t even know it’s there. We need it for raising children. If it’s scattered, pull it in.

So, what do I mean by scattered mojo? Well, it’s when we attempt to have our point of focus on more than one thing at a time. Our energy gets scattered in all directions like a single beam of light going through a prism. Remember prisms? Anyway, the light goes through, gets divided into many beams that are not as strong as the light that was the single point of focus. The resulting light is watered down, weaker, fainter. That’s why multitasking isn’t a good idea. The brain can do only one thing well at a time. And it literally does that… just one thing at a time even though you think you’re doing many.

What does all this have to do with communicating with our children? Well, scattered Mojo, watered down by too many things to do or grief, pain or depression is a leading cause of grief, pain and depression. It’s an absolute self-fulfilling prophecy …a wet soggy mess that needs airing out and fluffing up. If you’re impatient or snappy in your communications with your family, check your feelings. If overwhelm is part of them, it’s a sign your Mojo is out of whack.

Raising children is the task at hand. It is an all-consuming love challenge, the ultimate Life project, second to none. Requirements are that we seek ambitiously to create the best family unit we can. To do this we MUST have our energy for family intact and refresh it and ourselves on a daily basis. What do you do to refresh your energy on a daily basis?

Make a note of this: I (meaning You) am Dean and Chancellor of Home University. As the Deans and Chancellors of Home University, as the Super-Heroes to our wee ones, it’s imperative that we keep in touch and in tune with our Mojo. Parenthood is a serious 18+ years project. At their birth we’re to pick up the mantle and engage as a Life coach.

We are training our children for greatness as we’re being trained in grace. Once the child is here, what is the big benefit to us? It is that, if we allow it, we are forever changed and inspired to the better and best we could possibly be. They are our call to Mt. Olympus. Isn’t that what deep, unconditional love does?

Why is mojo important in communicating with our children? Well, aside from what I’ve already stated, children are still in loud tune with Original Mojo. Think of it as taking up a significant amount of that 93% of in-person communication that is non-verbal.

It’s that part of communication that’s there before telepathy. It colors and flavors the message that being communicated. As Dean and Chancellor of Home University, does your home curriculum take into account the outrageous genius of your child(ren)? Does it respect and reflect yours?

I won’t dissect the intimate components of mojo here. That’s best done in my mentoring sessions. Let’s just say that for as many people as there are in the household, there is at least a multiple of three on each person as to the color and flavor of their exceptional natural capacity of intellect. The good news is, we can relax and just let it show and express itself. Remember this: Our exercise is to ‘relax’.

Mojo injects play. Let me tell you about one of my most favorite uncles. His nickname was Jabbo. He’s long gone now but his spirit, his mojo lives on in me. Like most people, he had a dark side but for me, it was his mojo that made him stand out.

He was upbeat and funny and was always playing and wrestling with us kids. I was born and raised poor in the South. My whole extended family was poor, including my uncle but he exuded a loud jovial confidence that made us feel magical.

I think the other expression for it is joie de vie. Joy of Life. Toward the end of his life, his dastardly deeds caught up with him but his big contribution to MY life was the Joy he brought to me every time I saw him… having a boring afternoon? Wrestle with Uncle Jabbo, he was always down with it for us kids. Stranded at school in the rain? He’d swoop in and pick us up. He always seemed to be there to the rescue. Magically. It’s the magic of Life that fascinates me to this day. That was his contribution. This illustrates the influence and contribution of others as well as parents.

When things are going your way and in a consistent flow, that’s your mojo working. When we’re able to identify it and work with it until it’s virtually tangible, we’re able to melt it into our kids. Do you have this as a subject of study and exploration in your home curriculum?

When our kids get a handle on their mojo, they’re happier and able to have more things go their way (that we want them to have go their way). Heaven forbid the kids have more mojo than YOU!!! What do you think will happen in that case? Would you be at their mercy? Would they bully you?

Honing a skill like that when they’re children helps to make their adult life a lot happier and easier as well. I’m sure you’ve met people that you considered magical. That whatever they touched turned to gold. Well, we’ve read about them at least…

It doesn’t HAVE to be only the upper 1/10th of 1% who we recognize as having their mojo working. There are some truly spectacular teachers, scientists and uber drivers out there who have it like that as well. What is your measurement of success? Is it happiness?

How does one develop their expression of their mojo? Remember this: your innate essence powers your mojo. To develop an ever flowing stream of mojo, joy, things going the way you want, all it takes is an absolute quiet in your negative thought and feeling activity. Developing that absoluteness is the exercise. How do you do this? If you want help with it, connect with me through the parenting assessment posted at the end of this program.

What if we don’t care about getting our mojo working? Then, the wheels come off the tricycle and we fall off! Have you ever heard the expression ‘Man cannot live on bread alone’? We need flavor and variety in our lives to keep our brains healthy. Our central nervous systems spark off of a certain amount of sugar… the sweetness in our lives. Our children are doomed to boring themselves and everyone else to death with their crassness if we don’t show them that mojo is something to aspire to ALL of their lives. Have them and yourself put the electronics down and hang out with their electrical insides.

From a global standpoint, a substantial loss in a sense of humor is what ails the world today. A sense of humor flavored with a healthy dose of humanity, understanding and compassion would cure a lot of ills, particularly in people who want to war. Using that power for good, good meaning loving people, is what mojo is all about.

Nationally, we as parents, lead the way in having love, joy and understanding [aka mojo] be the priority in how we conduct ourselves amongst ourselves and other nations. Our vested interest in our child’s future happiness and well-being as well as our own is the motivating factor. We sentence ourselves to self-annihilation or implosion if we don’t. What is your choice in this matter?

Locally, and in the home, is where it all starts. The attitudes, the attributes, the integrity, the humanity, respect, the compassion, the joy, ALL take root in the home. Our domain. If it is to be, it’s up to ‘we’. Are you on board with this? How easy is this? It’s as easy as ‘let it be’. It’s as easy as rain. It’s as easy as you already know it all.

When we as babes dawned upon this planet, we came here with a purity of spirit. Remember this: our pure spirit is our joie de vie, our mojo. It is the seat of our mojo. May it reign forever.

Our children come here with this same purity of spirit. When we remember that, we need to identify it in ourselves at the same time. This is one of the beauties of having children. They remind us of who we really are.

So tell me, what is your favorite way to keep your Mojo workin’? Here at The SAVE YOUR BREATH TV SHOW we help parents eliminate the stress and aggravation of parenting, whether your child is 5 or 50! If you need help with that, take advantage of the Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session you receive when you submit the parenting assessment at It’s a $250 value for free for a limited time.

What do parents do? Save Your Breath TV knows

What do parents do? Save Your Breath TV knows

At the Save Your Breath Show we’ll offer comfort, comprehension and conversations that help make the heroics of parenting easier. Do you know parents are heroes? They perform brave deeds daily.

What do parents do? They love, feed, nurture, protect, educate, groom, infuse. They house, dress, chauffeur, coach, work, PTA meetings, calls to the Principle’s Office, sporting events, theatre, music recitals. They inspire, build up, comfort, play, lead the way and generally keep a vigilant watch over the flock.

You know what I’m talking about? We aim to give the proper attention and respect to these Endangered Titans. Parents … the ones who start it all.

Don’t Worry! See The Save Your Breath Show

Don’t Worry! See The Save Your Breath Show

You’re walking down the street, smelling the fresh spring air and the flowers in bloom. You’re admiring the beautiful colors and artistry of the front doors of the homes you pass, the perfect blueness of the sky… when SUDDENLY you fall into a deep hole and find yourself up to your nipples in hot boiling oil!!!

That’s the way many parents feel when they THINK they’ve figured out what parenting is really all about. They’re thinking and feeling it’s pretty overwhelming. This is when the cuteness of the baby comes in handy. Have you ever heard the saying ‘God made babies cute because otherwise we’d abandon them’? By the time we realize the depth of the responsibility, it’s too late. Cuteness prevailed.

Are you stressed and aggravated? Mary Ann Williamson reminds us that “The #1 Root of all illness is stress.” I’ll go you one further, remember this: 7 people die from stress every 2 seconds!!! That’s right. Every 2 seconds someone is dying because of stress. What percentage of them do you suppose are parents? I know what you’re thinking… 100% of them!… or close to it. Since parents make up roughly 70% of the population, 100% might be too high an estimate. Single people, non-parents are stressed too…

Many parents think they must slog through the day to day stresses and pains of parenting because that’s just the way that it is. That it is what it is. But it’s really deeper than that. If they would just realize that their health and happiness and their child’s current and long term health and happiness are at stake, then they would seek the help they so desperately need.

We’re emotional beings, our health is tied to our emotions; our emotions, our child’s emotions, the family emotional energy. We must keep our emotions healthy; healthy emotions, healthy mind and body.

It’s like as illustrated on the airlines, you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then place it on the child. What good is the mask on the baby if you pass out and die? In like fashion, if you’re nipple deep in hot boiling oil, what good are you to your family? Gotta get out, clean up and cool off!!!

You have a right to long-term health and happiness. Your happiness and joy level feeds the well-being of your child emotionally, mentally and physically. We parents are here to show the baby humans the ropes, so to speak. First we’ve got to learn them ourselves. Then we show them, the babies, how to maneuver successfully in this world we created.

Slogging through the day to day painful and stressful issues in parenting is not fun! We’re here to have fun!!! Having to say the same things over and over again, having anxiety over being the authority figure vs. your child’s friend, paying the bills and being disrespected while you’re trying to be respectful are intense stress factors!!!

I learned recently that having even the mildest anxieties and fears simmering beneath the surface day in and day out is the same as walking around with a 30lb. weight in each hand all day. Day in and day out. Can you see how hard that is on the body? Is there any wonder why we age prematurely? … How we can practically predict when age-related illnesses will strike?

I was a stress-out miserable mess of a parent for a very long time. It was only through the active pursuit (and finally capture) of solutions to my parenting issues that I freed myself from the worry and stress that plagued my parenting. Conflicts with separation, divorce, self-esteem and overwhelming money issues all colored how I parented.

Do you have money issues, patience issues, health issues? Twenty years ago, I started creating products to help parents with what I perceived as a bad practical joke that was being played on us unsuspecting single, free and childless individuals. Make a note of this: Stress is deadly AND preventable!

Denial is the blind spot that’s wrecking havoc on parenting for many of us on more than a couple of fronts… namely, our phobias, depression, inhibitions and fears. From the anxiety of being the authority figure to extreme Irritability and depression… From how many places does these fears stem?

The truth is, we don’t need to count the places of from where these problems stem. We need to nip them in the bud. It’s not necessary to recount every nitty gritty origin of every nitty gritty thing. It’s necessary to turn our attention to the inside, to our Ultimate Source and melt some stuff off.

At the Save Your Breath Show we’ll offer comfort, comprehension and conversations that help make the heroics of parenting easier. Do you know parents are heroes? They perform brave deeds daily.

What do parents do? They love, feed, nurture, protect, educate, groom, infuse. They house, dress, chauffeur, coach, work, PTA meetings, calls to the Principle’s Office, sporting events, theatre, music recitals. They inspire, build up, comfort, play, lead the way and generally keep a vigilant watch over the flock.

You know what I’m talking about? We aim give the proper attention and respect to these Endangered Titans. Parents … the ones who start it all. Today I’m giving you an overview of the show and why it came about. One of the questions I’m asked is ‘Since most parents are in denial about needing or wanting help, why do this work at all or this show?’

I’m excited to launch The Save Your Breath Show because parents are walking around in denial, thinking everything is A-OK and stress is silently killing them. Are you one of these parents? The idea is to lift the veil of denial and give parents a chance to save themselves and their families.

Parenting by default is what’s gotten the world to the ocean of turmoil it’s in today. It’s time to drop the anchor, come ashore and lay some solid foundations. Listen, I’m a parent. I know what that denial is all about. It’s your babies, your territory, no one is going to tell you how to raise your child! You know what you’re doing… and at the same time, there in the back of your head you’re saying OMG why didn’t anyone tell me how hard this as going to be? I feel crazy! I need HELP!

So why don’t we seek the help? Well, you know why parents are in denial? We’re TIRED! Parents are tired. We’re tired and when we think of getting outside help, we feel hopeless. Like nothing can be done and even if we were to engage in the solution, we fear yet another failure due to their lack of energy or a demand being put on them they can’t fulfill AND it would be just one more thing to do. Denial is totally understandable! It’s also totally killing us.

Make a note of this: My stress passes to my child. … So, in the selfless interest of doing our best to giving our children the best chance of having it as easy as they can once they’re adults, we parents need to enhance our levels of happiness on an ongoing basis, regardless of how perfectly we think we’re parenting.

What parents really want is to raise strong independent adults who are happy and fulfilled in what they do in life. I know we want that. Let’s have what we want. Let enhance our levels of happiness on an ongoing basis. How else are we going to teach it to our children?

Our children learn tons from us through osmosis… a subtle and gradual absorption of the essence of what’s going on with us. Clearly, if that’s pain and stress, it too much for their little bodies and they become ill – ‘currently’. Rather than ‘long-term’.

The intention of the show is to make your life easier. Think of the most awesome characteristic of the hero that we love. What is it about The Hero that we love? It’s they do the HARD stuff with ease. Say it with me now, “With eeeeease……” … Finesse. Write this down: I am my child’s Hero. Capital ‘H’.

Think of that sweet face looking at you. You are their world. To them, we are Super! We’re very strong and we do amaaazing things. Things that they aspire to do with every glance your way. That’s why they’re in such a hurry to grow up! Because of you, they want to do the things you do and even greater things. You inspire them so.

A TOOL for relieving parental anxiety is to tune into your thoughts and feelings and make sure you switch the bad feelings to good… I know that sounds easier than it is to do but do it you must. Sounded a little bit like Yoda on that one, huh?

I have various means through The Family System I offer that allows you to get to the point where you shift your thoughts and feelings quite that easily. How is your integrity? Is your integrity in tact? Your uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles that you want to instill in your child.

Your child models who you’re being…not only who you’re being at home, but who you’re being in the workplace also!!! Breakthroughs are being had all over the place in science and technology. Do you need a parenting breakthrough?

Why do this work? Why have this show? Our children are paying the price for the uncertainty and hesitancy produced by the wounds from our own childhoods. Remember this: Discipline is necessary to keeping your child safe. A hot stove does not need you to be there to teach your child never to touch it again but what about the child that runs into the street or into the face of some other danger who ignores your warnings and calls to safety? Follow through PROMPTLY with disciplinary measures. This does a couple of things: it teaches respect and it teaches integrity.

Why do this work? Why have this show? Think of the world view, the national view, the local view and the home view. It all starts in the home. Can you name a world leader, political figure or terrorist that did not have a parent of some kind? Parents are the guardians of our future. Our children are our future. Let’s do what we can NOW to salvage and rescue the situation, globally, nationally, locally from our homes. It all starts with parents. Parents raise world leaders, doctors, teachers, crooks and robbers… We parents have the very first shot at making a difference in the world. The difference is our children. Our influence is paramount.

On The Save Your Breath Show you can expect to see parenting experts, expert parents and practitioners from all walks of life and experience sharing what they have come to understand as a better way to do life and parenting in a way that makes it easier. As Maya Angelou said, “When we know better, we do better.” That has certainly been my experience.

I was all kinds of wrong when I was raising my son. When I talk about low points in this introduction, most of them were mine. As I experienced problems, I sought solutions and implemented. Isn’t that where we all aspire to be great? In the recognized errors?

Visit with us every other week. This is a bi-weekly show. Look in just in case there’s a piece for you to pick up that makes your parenting easier. Let’s lift this weight lb. by lb.

The year of shows will be organized into 4 themes, one presented every quarter. This first quarter will be on Communication. A favorite subject of parents who care to get it right. Remember, words are only 7% of in-person communication. 93% is body language and vocal elements. We’ll have guests on to talk about the words to say of course (in case you’re texting) but my passion is understanding what’s going on with that other 93%!!! The non-verbal… The 93% that is non-verbal!!! Nothing like a deep mystery, eh? 93% of communication being non-verbal is pretty deep, since so much of what we’re about as humans is about communication!

The second quarter will be about the Hero that’s born through Parenting. The Spirit, our senses, our integrity, the art of life, our joie de vie and teaching the appreciation of that to our children. We’re training future Heros. Write this down: I’m training a future Hero!!! Try that on for size. Care to give up denial now?

The third quarter focuses on the Body. We’re a total package. When we integrate all aspects of who we are, the body will not be excluded. From something as elementary as the parent being bigger than the child to nourishing ourselves properly, we’ll incorporate information and interviews that attack stress nutritionally and as a matter of fitness for parent and child.

The fourth quarter will be the Mind’s turn. Our minds, the child’s mind and how they relate to each other and the outside world. How much telepathy is involved? Oops, stepped back into Communication… and on it goes. It’s about the integration of these four elements.

We would like to know what you would like to know. What would you like to see? One parent suggested we talk with middle school kids to get their view of things. What do you think of that idea?

Do you think the kids will speak openly and honestly knowing they’re being recorded? When I was a child I was always suspect of things I say getting back to my Mother. She washed my mouth out with soap once. Wasn’t very fun.

What if we don’t get ourselves together? Bullies, drugs, crime, sickness, incarceration… You’ve seen it all. It’s all the stuff that keeps us awake at night worrying about being able to shelter our child from these harsh so called ‘realities’. Will it happen to your family? Listen, there is a core amount of who your child is that you will not be able to completely change.

If they’re destined for some dasteredly act, we can make damned sure we did our absolute best to influence the outcomes to the highest and best result. I know you wonder, as I do, about the parents of the serial killer, the parents of the bully boss, the parents of the neglectful parent. The only comfort any of us can have in that kind of negative outcome is knowing we did our best in our season of influencing the child. Humans come out of the womb influenced by genetics, environment and parents. Let’s explore our options together over the coming seasons.

So! That hole that you thought you were up to your nipples in of hot boiling oil? What you really fell into was the celestial lab where diamonds are made. Do you know the story of how diamonds are made? It’s called perturbation.

Well, they’re made two ways by man but my favorite is the natural way speculated upon by scientists. You know, the ones dug from earth. What you do is you bury carbon dioxide 100 miles into the earth, heat it to about 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, squeeze it under pressure of about 725,000 pounds per square inch then quickly rush it toward Earth’s surface to cool. Parents are Heroes.

They’re human diamonds. They bury and seclude themselves to nurture, they withstand heat that feels like boiling oil. I think that’s the paying the bills part.

They withstand 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch… that’s the paying the bills compounded and squared by dealing with the child(ren), spouse, co-workers, peer pressure, job pressure, in-laws, etc. and quickly rush themselves to do it ALL now! PLEASE.

Your hole in the street can be transformed into a springboard that vaults you to new heights as a parent and person. There is no need to slog through the day to day stresses of parenting. Denial is not our friend. Are you in denial?

Whether you are or not, would you like to resolve your negative emotional and behavioral patterns and heal long lasting traumas in a matter of minutes rather than years on end? Would you like a Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session with me?

If you would, go to Fill out the assessment, hit submit and we’ll arrange a time for your Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session. It’s a $250 value for free.

I look forward to our visits every other week on The OSWN Channel via VoiceAmerica.TV. Remember, you are the Hero raising future Heros and I bid you easy parenting. See you on the show!!!

#parenting #stress #life skills #moms #dads #family

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