Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

“A Mother’s Love liberates.” ~ Maya Angelou

A while back I was rocking & rolling; engaging in as much business generating activity as I could; networking, conferences, posting to social media near daily, creating TV shows, a tele-summit, asking for referrals. I worked myself into a grease spot and finally had to take a break, a long break. … After some time, refreshed and with a couple of false starts I was ready to jump back in!

Have you ever started to get back in the swing of things only to be knocked back on your heels with a devastating blow to your heart?

This is what happened to me over the last 14 months. Covid reared its ugly head. Hope was then that it would be over in a month or so… It was/is not.

Then George Floyd was murdered in cold blood and reminded me of the MANY other Black People murdered. I went dark on Facebook for months after that. His calls to his mother were felt by every Black Mother in America. I happen to be one. Our Sons and Daughters are beyond precious to us.

We felt and feel helpless agony and at a loss as to ways to rescue him and the countless others he represents. This anguish compounds and grows exponentially as the years and decades roll on with these murders on repeat. To what extent does the pain threaten to swallow us whole?

There’s an expression by Elizabeth Stone that says ‘having a child is to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body’. Just because the child is now an adult does not lessen the immensity of that love. Snuffing the life out of the child snuffs life out of us Mothers too.

If the pain swallows us whole no one will see. In this society we are invisible. Who are the people that care about what we feel? The lives of Black Mothers are glossed over like so many footnotes in the novel of life.

“In 2019 and 2020 … the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 35 fatal shootings per million of the population as of March 2021.” ~

That’s more than one murder of a Black Person by police every three days!!!

The threat is real AND we face it down. We get the subsequent reminders that “Hey! This isn’t new. It’s simply that this time (and a number of others) it was captured explicitly on video.” … It’s happening right now somewhere… without video.

Though I have my own occasional encounters with racist people, I had pushed the intensity of the racists’ cruel stupidity and rotting soul to the back and then out of my mind, as a matter of self-preservation. Without doing that it is one punch after another.


When will WE decide our feelings matter and our lives have worth? WE don’t need others to do this for us. No one can do this for us. We are the elite in Love. We know how to do this. Our no-nonsense kindness often precedes us and no one can blame us for being angry, our babies are being killed and have been for centuries now.

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” ~ James Baldwin

Love is the way. Before you click away, hear me out!!! Love is the most powerful force in The Universe. Can we agree on that?  If all good people amplify the Love within themselves, hate will be greatly diminished and ultimately eradicated. At that point we all become good. Racism will be no more. Institutionalized racism that is weaved into the very fabric of America will be deliberately sought out by these good people and unraveled.

The challenge becomes having Black Mothers gather the will to amplify our Love in an extremely focused way to bring about this change, this most powerful and glorious change. I know the pain and fear in our hearts is competing eagerly with our Love feelings but our Love MUST rule the day. Are we going to continue to let pain and hatred be the boss of us? We must transmute the energy of our negative, hurt feelings into power balls of Love and burn them through hatred’s rotten body of people who are cruelly stupid and mindlessly leaving a legacy of hate and pain to be visited upon their children!

The quote above by Maya Angelou says it all. “A Mother’s Love liberates.” We can do this. In THIS day, it is our vital importance! Our Love can and will liberate us all from hatred.

Imagine we are tossing fireballs of Love and the racists are tossing fireballs of hate. Who will prevail in that fight? That’s right. Love wins.

Many Black Mothers think they will inevitably continue to feel helpless, hopeless, alone and invisible in this society because that’s just the way it is! That it is what it is. But it’s really deeper than that. If they would just realize a society of Love can be done, it must be done and we have the power to do it, then they would pick up the mantle and radiate the help we and the racists so desperately need. Will you join me?

We have tried cajoling, placating, marching and fighting. It’s time now to bring out the big guns – Divine Radiation: the Love Force, a Love Undertow.

Divine Radiation is exactly what is needed. This Divine Radiation realization came to me after a 32-hour period of prayer and meditation! It is the harnessing of the Love energy that is central to our existence and sending it through space to soak into the hearts and minds of racists. This is the only thing that will free us and them forever. If we refuse to do it we condemn our children and their children to this continuing cycle of racial stupidity. The racist putrid hearts will continue the hate.

This will work because the fear we have carried in our hearts has helped to perpetuate this darkness. As you know, what you focus on is attracted to you. Collectively, we have been focusing in the wrong direction for too long. It’s time to eliminate this ‘fear’.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said it best “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 

I dare say the participation in this Love Force will have additional benefits for us ALL well beyond changing the putrid hearts of people. Our health will improve, the health of our loved ones will improve and we’ll all be generally happier!!! This is quite the worthwhile side-effect. The Undertow is certain.

Here are the Steps to Giving Divine Radiation:

  1. Eliminate your fear that this won’t work (and any other fear you may have).
  2. Amplify Love. It lives in you and will also eliminate fear. Expand it to the point you…
  3. Radiate the Love powerfully across the airwaves, through walls and state lines into the hearts and souls of all racists in its path. Visualize it radiating from your heart powerfully 360 degrees in all directions to the ends of the earth.

Make this a daily visualization exercise or prayer that lasts from 5 to 15 minutes or more.

Yes, now I’m back and ready to help Black Women with their fears, especially the ones in their 50s who have adult Sons and Daughters as I do and are hit particularly hard by this and a multitude of other stinky realities we endure in this racist society. The false starts are over. I wasn’t fully recovered before. I’m back now and stronger than ever. Will you join me in this endeavor?

Also, if you have a fear, anxiety of phobia that you want to be rid of, do allow me to help you. Order a session at Getting rid of fear is the first step to your ultimate freedom in more ways than one. I can help you resolve fears in 1 to 3 sessions, depending on the depth of the fear.

Be in Joy,






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