Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Are You a Black Mother in Your 50s?

“A Mother’s Love liberates.” ~ Maya Angelou

A while back I was rocking & rolling; engaging in as much business generating activity as I could; networking, conferences, posting to social media near daily, creating TV shows, a tele-summit, asking for referrals. I worked myself into a grease spot and finally had to take a break, a long break. … After some time, refreshed and with a couple of false starts I was ready to jump back in!

Have you ever started to get back in the swing of things only to be knocked back on your heels with a devastating blow to your heart?

This is what happened to me over the last 14 months. Covid reared its ugly head. Hope was then that it would be over in a month or so… It was/is not.

Then George Floyd was murdered in cold blood and reminded me of the MANY other Black People murdered. I went dark on Facebook for months after that. His calls to his mother were felt by every Black Mother in America. I happen to be one. Our Sons and Daughters are beyond precious to us.

We felt and feel helpless agony and at a loss as to ways to rescue him and the countless others he represents. This anguish compounds and grows exponentially as the years and decades roll on with these murders on repeat. To what extent does the pain threaten to swallow us whole?

There’s an expression by Elizabeth Stone that says ‘having a child is to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body’. Just because the child is now an adult does not lessen the immensity of that love. Snuffing the life out of the child snuffs life out of us Mothers too.

If the pain swallows us whole no one will see. In this society we are invisible. Who are the people that care about what we feel? The lives of Black Mothers are glossed over like so many footnotes in the novel of life.

“In 2019 and 2020 … the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 35 fatal shootings per million of the population as of March 2021.” ~

That’s more than one murder of a Black Person by police every three days!!!

The threat is real AND we face it down. We get the subsequent reminders that “Hey! This isn’t new. It’s simply that this time (and a number of others) it was captured explicitly on video.” … It’s happening right now somewhere… without video.

Though I have my own occasional encounters with racist people, I had pushed the intensity of the racists’ cruel stupidity and rotting soul to the back and then out of my mind, as a matter of self-preservation. Without doing that it is one punch after another.


When will WE decide our feelings matter and our lives have worth? WE don’t need others to do this for us. No one can do this for us. We are the elite in Love. We know how to do this. Our no-nonsense kindness often precedes us and no one can blame us for being angry, our babies are being killed and have been for centuries now.

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” ~ James Baldwin

Love is the way. Before you click away, hear me out!!! Love is the most powerful force in The Universe. Can we agree on that?  If all good people amplify the Love within themselves, hate will be greatly diminished and ultimately eradicated. At that point we all become good. Racism will be no more. Institutionalized racism that is weaved into the very fabric of America will be deliberately sought out by these good people and unraveled.

The challenge becomes having Black Mothers gather the will to amplify our Love in an extremely focused way to bring about this change, this most powerful and glorious change. I know the pain and fear in our hearts is competing eagerly with our Love feelings but our Love MUST rule the day. Are we going to continue to let pain and hatred be the boss of us? We must transmute the energy of our negative, hurt feelings into power balls of Love and burn them through hatred’s rotten body of people who are cruelly stupid and mindlessly leaving a legacy of hate and pain to be visited upon their children!

The quote above by Maya Angelou says it all. “A Mother’s Love liberates.” We can do this. In THIS day, it is our vital importance! Our Love can and will liberate us all from hatred.

Imagine we are tossing fireballs of Love and the racists are tossing fireballs of hate. Who will prevail in that fight? That’s right. Love wins.

Many Black Mothers think they will inevitably continue to feel helpless, hopeless, alone and invisible in this society because that’s just the way it is! That it is what it is. But it’s really deeper than that. If they would just realize a society of Love can be done, it must be done and we have the power to do it, then they would pick up the mantle and radiate the help we and the racists so desperately need. Will you join me?

We have tried cajoling, placating, marching and fighting. It’s time now to bring out the big guns – Divine Radiation: the Love Force, a Love Undertow.

Divine Radiation is exactly what is needed. This Divine Radiation realization came to me after a 32-hour period of prayer and meditation! It is the harnessing of the Love energy that is central to our existence and sending it through space to soak into the hearts and minds of racists. This is the only thing that will free us and them forever. If we refuse to do it we condemn our children and their children to this continuing cycle of racial stupidity. The racist putrid hearts will continue the hate.

This will work because the fear we have carried in our hearts has helped to perpetuate this darkness. As you know, what you focus on is attracted to you. Collectively, we have been focusing in the wrong direction for too long. It’s time to eliminate this ‘fear’.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said it best “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 

I dare say the participation in this Love Force will have additional benefits for us ALL well beyond changing the putrid hearts of people. Our health will improve, the health of our loved ones will improve and we’ll all be generally happier!!! This is quite the worthwhile side-effect. The Undertow is certain.

Here are the Steps to Giving Divine Radiation:

  1. Eliminate your fear that this won’t work (and any other fear you may have).
  2. Amplify Love. It lives in you and will also eliminate fear. Expand it to the point you…
  3. Radiate the Love powerfully across the airwaves, through walls and state lines into the hearts and souls of all racists in its path. Visualize it radiating from your heart powerfully 360 degrees in all directions to the ends of the earth.

Make this a daily visualization exercise or prayer that lasts from 5 to 15 minutes or more.

Yes, now I’m back and ready to help Black Women with their fears, especially the ones in their 50s who have adult Sons and Daughters as I do and are hit particularly hard by this and a multitude of other stinky realities we endure in this racist society. The false starts are over. I wasn’t fully recovered before. I’m back now and stronger than ever. Will you join me in this endeavor?

Also, if you have a fear, anxiety of phobia that you want to be rid of, do allow me to help you. Order a session at Getting rid of fear is the first step to your ultimate freedom in more ways than one. I can help you resolve fears in 1 to 3 sessions, depending on the depth of the fear.

Be in Joy,






What Storms are You & Your Family Weathering?

What Storms are You & Your Family Weathering?

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Isn’t that the same with parenthood?  We brave the inevitable chaos, definite stress and throw caution to the wind when it comes to parenting.  When most of us find ourselves in the parenting situation, we’re very much resigned to see it through.

The many storms in family life swell and dissipate one by one.  Sometimes they come continuously and finally ebb.  We weather them all.

Now that the holidays are upon us the pressure to spend money that most of us don’t have mounts unholy stress on the parents and offspring as well!!!  Social and economic peer pressure are part of the great nonsense that we let ruin our feelings of peace and well-being.  Why do you allow this to happen?

Let’s not forget the individual storms our offspring go through.  Have you considered that their problems feel like storms to them?  The deep lessons in relief you teach them (about this money issue, for example) serves their health and happiness for the rest of their lives.

Have you mastered the lessons yourself?  How do you relieve yourself of peer pressure?  Let’s talk about that a little further down in this post.  Let’s protect ourselves where we can!!!

“Medical errors are a top cause of death.”  According to a Johns Hopkins Research team, “250,000 deaths in the United States are caused by medical error each year. This makes medical error the third-leading cause of deaths in the country.” ~ Readers’

Doesn’t it make sense to do our part to avoid the need for medical assistance to the best of our ability?  Peer pressure, money pressure and the like stir up emotional storms that lead to disease (dis ease).  These storms of pressure are part of the chaos in our very sensitive family life/system.

“Chaos theory is a part of mathematics. It looks at certain systems that are very sensitive. A very small change may make the system behave completely differently. Very small changes in the starting position of a chaotic system make a big difference after a while.” ~ Edward Lorenz, ‘The Butterfly Effect’, (Wikipedia)

Do you know chaos can be a good thing?  When you’re ‘centered’, you’re able to appreciate and engage the ‘excitement’, aka chaos, that’s unfolding for the growth benefit of your offspring (and yourself).

If you’re the parent of an adult the chaos may simply be the noise occupying your mind, the residual of what you perceive as your parenting mistakes and/or your desire to have a friendship with your offspring who don’t want the same.

To what extent do you consider the sensitive nature of your family system?  It can be mind-boggling to even consider the many ways confusion can start with even just two people in the equation/family.  Best to just deal with it.  Examine it in depth later.

How do you relieve yourself of the pressures and unnerving consequences of caving to peer pressure, money pressure, etc.?  Here are a few initial steps.  (Like the ‘stop, drop and roll’ recommendation when you’re on fire):

1. Stop in your tracks and breathe.  Breathe in calm, exhale noise.

2. Drop your attachment to outcomes.  Assess what, if anything, is really needed to be done; in this moment, later or at all.

3. Roll with the situation.  Flow in listening.  We have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  [If danger is involved in the moment, remedy the danger first then roll…]

A preemptive strike for eliminating or significantly lessening problems in the future is to deep dive into your meditation practice and get in touch with that part of you that doesn’t need the approval of others, that part of you that yields forth the overflow of abundance, that part of you that attracts harmony, cooperation and peace.  Are you in touch with this You?  Yes?  Teach the children.

What if you could glide along the edges of chaos and dissolve the energy of it from a calm vantage point?  Can you see how this would calm the emotional seas of your family life?  Our health and happiness is found there.

If you need help with this, let me help you gain that calm vantage point.  Many parents come to accept chaos as normal… and it is, but you need not let it stress you and negatively affect your health, happiness and longevity!!!

“No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.” ~ Charles Kettering

You can get off the parenting ship but do you really want to?





Stressed?  Hit a Wall?  Have You Stopped Long Enough to Refresh?

Stressed? Hit a Wall? Have You Stopped Long Enough to Refresh?

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” ~ Sydney J. Harris

Have you ever hit a wall in your activities, in your harried parenting and work-life schedules?

This past nine months has dictated that I reflect.  It was precipitated by a friend of mine saying (when I told of all my grand plans to schedule multiple group meetings over the summer), “People aren’t around during the summer.”  At the moment I heard that, I was deflated.  I was exhausted, I hit a wall.

The freeways and grocery store lines didn’t attest to that statement.  My reaction to it was really all about what was going on with me at the time; too much work, overscheduling and late nights.

That statement gave me tacit permission to ‘not be around…’.  I took the time to look at the activity I created over the last couple of years and evaluated what really matters, in a prolonged focused way.  When was the last time you did this?

I had worked myself into a grease spot that was slowly evaporating.  Know what I mean?  I gained many extra pounds from working until the wee hours of the morning, rarely stopping to exercise.

This period of reflection employed quite a lot of meditation.  I gazed upon the different aspects of my life.  Parenting folded into view and I was able to see… my son (now 33yo) can’t possibly understand me.

I have a significant head start in years on him!  I needed to stop my unreasonable expectations of his thought processes.  The parenting perspective needs to always consider and be mindful of the offspring perspective!

Do you need to stop expecting your offspring to fully understand where you’re coming from?  We all have a certain amount of nearsightedness when it comes to our parents and trying (or not) to understand their perspectives, my son to mine, mine to my parents, your offspring to you and so on.

I saw that I needed to reclaim my sovereignty (such as it is).  Many ‘parents of adults’, in particular, need to reclaim their sovereignty, their supreme power over THEMSELVES.  Step back and remember your most powerful self before parenthood.  Have you done this?  Who were you?

What would it take to get back there again?  Engage meditation or whatever is your instrument of introspection and remember.  Reach back and drag that most powerful you forward into now. 

Embrace this you.  Take many moments to cherish and appreciate this you.  Re-embody this you as you heap on your current wisdom.  Leave out the controlling, clingy and guilt-ridden parent you.

Now.  Don’t you feel better?  I’m refreshed and re-evaluating.  Are you?  What would it take for you to stop long enough to give yourself and your family the treasure mined from the relief gained from introspection and meditation?

When you’ve engaged your mind this way, peaceful solutions begin to occur to you.  Some solutions simply happen without your having to do anything.  Isn’t that a much better quality of life?

  • A 1% annual reduction in the level of four health risks—weight, blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol—has been shown to save $83 to $103 annually in medical costs per person. (for employers) ~ Center for Disease Control, 2016

How are YOU doing with your stresses?  Have you stopped long enough to reflect on possible solutions to your issues?  Do you feel you can’t afford to do that?

Sleeping less than four hours a night, according to the research, was the equivalent of aging your brain almost nine years. ~ Western University Brain & Mind Institute

Can you afford NOT to engage solution options?  Our minds tell us reasons like “money and time are tight”.  ‘Money’ and ‘time’ are man-made constructs that we’ve bought into and need to put on hold when they begin to intrude on our and our family’s health and happiness.

How do you put time and money (these man-made constructs) on hold?  The best things in Life are free.  When you meditate (which is free), you enter the timeless realm where everything is possible.  When everything is possible, money becomes ‘possible’.

80% of premature heart disease and strokes are preventable. ~ The Center for Disease Control, 2016

To put time and money before our health and happiness is the same as putting the cart before the horse, the tail wagging the dog, running before you can walk…  you fall on your face, hit a wall and become stressed, sick and unhappy.  When one is sick, they are often unhappy.  If you are unhappy, sickness is forming or already happening.   

There are a myriad of issues in parenting that have a kaleidoscope of solutions.  At the heart of all of these issues and solutions is the ever-abiding presence of peace. 

Peace is central.  It’s a by-product of meditation.  Peace garners patience, no matter what the parenting/personal challenge is.  Our offspring are here to have us master patience in a deeply loving way.

Fear is the underpinning of impatience.  It stands to reason that the elimination of fear opens different views into the kaleidoscope of solutions… many solutions give relief to you even if you’re not a weary stressed parent (like me that hit a wall this year).

I invite you to eliminate your fears.  Fear is the soul-crusher.  Look to see what your fears are.  There may be quite a list.

There are obvious fears, subtle fears and subconscious fears.  All of them can be released.  The best part is you don’t need to name it to release it.

For instance, my subtle fear was that my son didn’t like me.  When it became obvious that he didn’t, I was deeply hurt.  After all that I had done for him (most of which he couldn’t possibly know), how could he not like me?

The parenting perspective needs to always consider and be mindful of the offspring perspective.  When you disagree or find yourself in an argument with them (or anyone), put yourself in the offspring’s (or other person’s) shoes.  It can be a stretch sometimes but if you see the event as ‘happening to you’, it can temper your response in a way that leads to desired outcomes.

Here’s a fun exercise:  Put yourself in the shoes of everyone you encounter today (or whenever you’re out).  The split second that you do that will immediately put you in a state of peace… because at that level of awareness you are engaging empathy.

The first thing you’ll recognize is you cannot know what that person has gone through that day or past days.  Next, all you’ll need to do is give a feeling of understanding.  They don’t need to know you’re doing it.  If you have a kind word, share it.  Then, notice how you feel.

In meditation and reflection, I realized my subconscious fear was that I’d lose my son forever.  Guess what?  This was a fear that I had to let go.  Losing him forever is a very real possibility in this physical realm.  It’s life.

It rendered me clingy and you know what happens when someone is clingy…  It brings about the very thing you fear.  So, if it’s to be, why help it materialize?  Why eat your health with this fear?  You have to ‘refresh’.  Hit the reset button.

Another example… you, who are the parents of adults, who have guilt over the way you treated your offspring when your offspring were children, same fear as mine.  What are you to do about it NOW?

A solution: Enter that place in meditation where there is no time, money is not needed and all things are possible.  Awash yourself in the Quiet of this place.  Let your ‘possible’ happen. 

I thank God I’ve gathered many coping tools over the last 40 years that hack away at the ever-present stresses I (and many other parents) encounter daily.  As I stared blankly at my son bouncing off the walls when he was a preschooler, I wondered why the whole issue of parenthood was not the ‘breaking news’ at 6 o’clock EVERY DAY on television!  Seriously, did you ever wonder about that?

Some fears are subconscious and cannot be readily identified.  All you may know is that you are triggered by certain behaviors and find yourself snapping at your offspring often or for minor things.  Do enough of this and it will make you sick. (See the statistics above.)

But I digress…  Are you trying to ignore the wall you’ve hit?  You know… continuing to slog through without the stop and reflection.  Are you putting a band-aid of pills, alcohol, drugs or ‘neglect of family’ on your brain for now and saving real solutions for ‘when you get time’?

Please stop.  You are deeply loved.  I want the best for you.  What is the best for you?  Use the meditation suggestions above.  Meditation is the single most powerful thing you can do for yourself and your family.

If you need help eliminating your fears (among other things), I’m here for you. 






Root Cause of Chronic Disease in Children any Concern to You?

Root Cause of Chronic Disease in Children any Concern to You?

You’re living in a world of wonder. You and your family are in supreme health. The best in healthy medical alternatives and organic foods are available and in abundant supply. You quiver in appreciation of your constant good fortune…

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ―

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Jesse marveled at the huge boil that had developed on his nine-year-old daughter’s shoulder. It seemed to appear overnight though his daughter said it had been developing for days but wasn’t painful until now, which is why she was finally showing it to him. It was an odd thing to behold on such a sweet young person. Have you ever been surprised at what some of the health concerns or complications that your offspring develop or bring home?

He washed it as his mother had instructed over the phone and applied warm compresses to bring it to a head. This ‘wonder’ was complicated with the fact that his sweet young daughter was just diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes. As his Parent Mentor, I pointed out that this situation was just another blaring opportunity to utilize the healing properties of the relationship between meditation, healthy eating, exercise and plant medicine (reference my prior blogs – links link to ‘exercise’ & plant medicine).

“Today half the kids have some form of chronic disease. Half the kids! … 20% of the kids are on some kind of medication… GMOs, junk food, white flour, white sugar, and in some cases, vaccinations, Ritalin, etc… these aren’t good for your brain.” ~

Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Dr. Gabriel Cousens spoke at length with me about the benefits of the vegan diet and meditation at the FROM PARENTING PAIN TO PARENTING PEACE World Summit. Here’s a clip…

Jesse had just gotten clear on the idea that his daughter had diabetes. It took a while to sink in because he was well aware of how dangerous diabetes is due to his own issues with it. It’s possible complications of long-term disability or loss of life were not lost on him! It took a while to sink in because he already had more than his share of worry and simply resisted the idea. Do you ever ‘get used to’ the idea that your child has a chronic dangerous illness?

The introduction of this boil or any other illness added another layer of stress and worry. He said, “Skin breaks can lead to infections that can lead to abscesses that can lead to blood infections and on and on… I feel personally responsible for her having these problems because I feel I’ve passed this on to her!” I countered, “Let’s focus on solutions. The problems are only as big as we make them.”

“There are far too many possible influences, including diet, for us to consider than what you may or may not have passed on genetically. Let’s see if we can get back to ground zero (meaning zero or minimal consumption of toxins). Let’s work our way back to optimal health. Doing it for yourself is doing it for your offspring as well.” Can we agree that we parents heavily influence what food stuffs come into the house and are served as meals and snacks?

“What the parents are eating influences what happens tremendously. The parent, the spiritual warrior, has to be willing to push themselves to do the most healthy things for themselves. It takes spiritual courage to be fully alive.” ~

Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Our bodies are made of the stuff of the earth: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc. It stands to reason that if we have the cleanest interaction possible at the basic cellular level, a lot of error can be avoided! Let’s get back to that healthy person underneath all of that sickness.

When we respect and act on the fact that stress of some kind is at the heart of all disease, we give ourselves a headstart in achieving the solutions. ‘Dis ease’ is to be countered with ‘ease’. ‘Ease’ is the key objective of meditaton.

“Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.” ~

Deepak Chopra

Can you see how a three-pronged strategy that addresses the body, mind AND spirit could work to bring a more complete solution? Addressing the body through nutrition, exercise and alternative medicine is a basic sound move. Addressing the mind and spirit through meditation is a core, all-encompassing move. Being willing and actually pushing yourself to do the most healthy things for yourself and your offspring is the difference between success and failure on many different levels!!! What do YOU choose?

Jesse chose the three-pronged strategy. He and his daughter are currently well past worry and ‘dis ease’. Financial worries and relationship with women worries compounded the stress he felt in his life, in general. Now, that ‘worry’ stress is all gone.

He says, “It took me a while to get into the meditation thing but the more I did it, the more relaxed I got in general. Solutions to problems appeared almost as fast as the worrisome thought about problem itself. Maggie (his daughter) and I both have our weight and blood glucose under complete control. She meditates too.” He goes on to say, “The essential oils recipe you had us use has helped tremendously with keeping our numbers in the healthy range. Our doctors are very impressed.”

Getting back to the healthy person beneath our illnesses is THE most important thing we can do for ourselves and our offspring. Are there situations where you think someone is ‘born ill’? Of course, we have instances where babies are born ill and, even in this situation, there is the healthy baby inside that must be revealed… freed of the illness.

Doctors, conventional and wholistic, ideally focus on getting us back to that pure, clean and strong healthy cellular structure, that healthy person inside. The truth is “modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.” ~

Deepak Chopra Developing our trust in our connection to healing properties of nature and it’s symbiotic relationship with our minds and spirit will take us a lot further along in time and in a much happier state.

The ’placebo effect’ is the glaring evidence of this truth! According to The U.S. Department of Health, 30 to 75% of cures happen with sugar pills because the patient ‘believes’ they have been given a drug. How is the healing happening without the ‘medicine’? I say, close to 100% can be cured if they/we tap into that inner resource that is All That Is!!! This ‘tapping’ is done most effectively with meditation.

My prescription for health and happiness as preventative medicine, should you choose to engage it, is: meditation > nutrition > exercise > fulfilling work/creativity > community/giving.

Start your day with a minimum of 20 minutes of meditation and stay with your quiet mind most of the time throughout your day. This is challenging but well worth it. If you’re new to meditation start with 5 minutes of quiet mind and work your way up to (and past) 20 minutes. It may take you 20 minutes just to get to your quiet mind!!! If that’s the case, then still hang out there for 5 minutes or as long as you can.

Make a point of having the highest and best nutrition (consume mostly grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and oily fish) and, if necessary, wholistic medicine and remedies for your body.

Exercise to a sweat daily. This could be 10 – 30 minutes minimum, depending on what you do. Do something you enjoy… make a point of enjoying something…

Engage in work that you love and/or creative projects that fulfill you. Many of us feel locked into dead-end jobs or unpleasant work environments. It’s critical to save energy for projects that light you up! Things that make you feel alive!!! Press into Life!!! That is why we ‘re here!

Give 100% attention to the humans (rather than cell phones, TVs, etc.) in your space as a priority whether at home or community. Seek community. Enjoy the ‘collective energy’ of your ‘brothers and sisters’. This energy is critical for emotional well-being and health. Being in community also gives us more of a built-in opportunity to ‘give’.

The CDC says that about one in three adults has high blood pressure, and it kills 1,000 people per day. ‘Giving’ lowers blood pressure on par with taking medications and is obviously a far healthier way to get the job done! Here is an article by Dale Nirvani Pfeifer that discusses this phenomenon more in depth,

Teach the children. Let me help you:

I urge all of us to ‘know’ that we’re living in a world of wonder. You and your family are in supreme health. The best in healthy medical alternatives and organic foods ARE available and in abundant supply and when you ‘know’ that, you quiver in appreciation of your constant good fortune and…

By all means, believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast.


What are Parents’ Natural Alternatives to Artificial Remedies?

What are Parents’ Natural Alternatives to Artificial Remedies?

IMAGINE you’re happily giving yourself and your family Big Pharma drugs when you find out… hey… the body can heal itself?!! … and when it doesn’t, often the only thing necessary is plant medicine to help along. Did you know the best thing to help the body’s healing process and/or work to prevent health problems is plant medicine, also known as ‘alternative medicine’?

Did Big Pharma(aka The Pharmaceutical Industry’s massive pharmaceutical companies that make literally billions of dollars every year) start up about 200 years ago? Yep, it started with the bastardization of botanical and mineral compounds at least 200 years ago, around the 1800s, and hit the lab running into synthetics that have now invaded us physically to the point where we’re addicted. Most of us are not allowed to even get high on them anymore… we just take ‘em and take ’em. They keep Americans regularly supplied with a medicine cabinet’s worth of pills and all other manner of ‘legal drugs’ and medical devices.

At the ‘From Parenting Pain to Parenting Peace World Summit’

I just produced, I had the honor and privilege of interviewing Joy Bernstein and Bella Shing on the benefits of using essential oils (EO) to help calm yourself and your offspring. I’ve been particularly interested in natural remedies and health science since I was in my early 20s. Here’s a 3min. clip from our 45min interview.

It’s time we get back to our natural roots,

for the sake of our health, our family’s health and our pocket-books (does anyone say pocket-books in place of wallets anymore?) Natural herbs and their essences not only aid in the healing processes of our physical and emotional being but research shows that the essential oils of plants help the body to self-correct the root cause of problems! Can you see how this can save you money on health issues in the long (and short) run?

Herbal medicines are plant-based medicines made from differing combinations of plant parts e.g. leaves, flowers or roots. Each part can have different medicinal uses and the many types of chemical constituents require different extraction methods. Essential Oils are the highly concentrated naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.

FACT: Essential Oils are 50 -70% more potent than herbs. For example, it takes three tons of plant material to produce one pound of oil! They have the potential to affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and then be metabolized like other nutrients (Jager et al., 1992, 1996)

“For my family, once we started to incorporate the right oils we saw significant improvement in skin, respiratory function, digestive cleansing and focus just to name a few! It was significant in our recovery from autism in terms of supporting a strong immune system, brain health and deep sleep!”~ JM of

Essential Oils (EO) help me get sound sleep when I have trouble sleeping, cleans my digestive system when it’s due for one and supplements made from them make sure I get the best nutrition I can. Our food suffers these days even if it’s organic. It doesn’t pack the nutritional punch it once did because our soils are depleted and overworked and, unfortunately, junk food still attacks me every now and then…

Recently, I helped a dear friend get rid of laryngitis and at another time, a festering pus sore using EO. The sore was the result of the doctor having to laser off a rather large skin cancer and the medicine she gave him wasn’t working to heal him 2 weeks later!

The site was getting redder and redderand the medicine on the sore was just sitting there getting yellower and yellower even though he showered and reapplied the medication daily as instructed. I washed the entire area gently with lavender water (that’s all I had on hand), put 1 drop of melaleuca and 1 drop of lavender on the wound with 1 drop of lavender on the surrounding redness. Covered it with a large gauze to cover the entire treatment area.

The doctor had given him large bandaidsthat just covered the wound. I think he may be allergic to the adhesive on the bandaids which I think created a lot of that redness in the surrounding area. There was significant improvement in healing of the entire area THE VERY NEXT DAY!!!

In addition to Big Pharma’s rogue activity, the billion dollar personal care industry has many products that contribute significantly to our health woes as well, without giving it a second thought! Shop wisely. One of my most favorite references, Dr. Axe, goes deep here on the detrimental effects of artificial fragrances and household chemicals…

Here’s the thing… I love us. I love you! Your family, we, deserve the best of everything. Continuing to ply ourselves consciously (or unconsciously) with whatever Big Pharma and the commercial industries-at-large bombard us with through doctors or continuous commercial activity has to be stopped by US.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that doctors and clinics and hospitals have their place and they serve a significant purpose when preventative measures and good diet have been ignored. Let’s just begin now to stop ignoring what is good for us, better for us.

In my 20s, I discovered the book “Back To Eden” by Dr. Jethro Kloss. He won me over with “God has provided a remedy for every disease that might afflict us. Satan cannot afflict anyone with any disease for which God has not provided a remedy. Our Creator foresaw the wretched condition of mankind in these days and made provision in Nature for all the ills of man.” This struck the ‘truth cord’ in me and I’ve been a health and wellness proponent ever since.

I supposed I got my deep interestin this subject from my Mother. She disclosed to me that she was once interested in nursing and had become an LVN (Licensed Practical Nurse). When I asked her why she had not continued she didn’t want to talk about it except to say that “you NEVER want to be on a position where you are helpless, need to be in a hospital and at the mercy of doctors having to cut into you.” ‘Nuff said. My journey into keeping myself out of the hospital began!

It was logical to me at the timethat I would need to do the best job I could of keeping myself healthy. (I’ve done this to a large degree though I had my son via C-section.) The natural extension of that for me was that I began to automatically want to ‘doctor’ on my friends! This enthusiasm has been met with varying degrees of welcome. When my offer of help is declined, I’m unfazed. That’s how I know I love it!

Do you have someone in your life who’s that way?… always offering unsolicited advice for healthcare, dietary care, etc? How annoying is that for you? We mean well.

There was a near disaster once though… this illustrates the need for using even natural medicine safely. A very dear friend of mine’s mother was stricken with severe constipation. She said, “My bowels just don’t move.”

She went on to say, “If they do move, very little happens and I’m extremely uncomfortable most of the time because it. The doctors give me stuff but nothing really works.” I came up with a remedy for her that involved psyllium husks, golden seal, drinking lots of water and massaging her abdomen with very strict instructions as to frequency and timing and went on my merry way (I live about 3 hours away from her). I checked back with her periodically to see that she was staying on schedule and she said that she was.

WELL!Her daughter happened to go up to visit her one weekend. She called and said she found her mother writhing in pain and took her to the toilet where her mom proceeded to take this “continuous and unending dump in the toilet”!!! She and her mother thought she was going to die!!! Afterward, she called AGAIN, gave me an earful in very strong language and told me she was just one inch from coming over to my place and whipping my ass!!! I promised to never ‘doctor’ on her mother again.

Years later when I saw her mother, she told me it was a bad episode but she has never been constipated since! There was no way to tell by that late date what in my instructions she got wrong but she was very grateful that I had helped her. I suspect she was not drinking enough water.

But I digress, today we’re talking about essential oils (EO). Know what else is great about them? You can cook with them as well! You, no doubt, cook with the herbs and spices. Look at them in a whole new way now. Appreciate what they REALLY bring to a dish other than the taste. TEACH THE CHILDREN and your offspring! It’s up to US to make these changes! Fun ones and optimally healthy ones, at that!

For more information on essential oils, go to my site: I’m very excited to incorporate this ‘essential’ part of myself into the services I provide for parents. Along with the mentoring, financial services and emotional regulation work, my deep interest in health would no longer be ignored!!!

Now that’s what I call offering a well-rounded opportunity for wellness!!!

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