Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Child neglect is child abuse! I don’t want you to go off the deep end to the opposite of aggressive physical/verbal abuse and start to nearly ignore the child. That’s no good either. There needs to be a fine line of balance that’s neither neglect nor bullying.

The balance, the equilibrium is what we’re after. Aggressive abuse sounds and feels like a lot of noise, screaming and ‘in your face’ confrontations. Neglect sounds quiet, ignores what action in discipline needs to be done in any given instance and feels numb.

Balance feels good, gets and gives respect and sounds like the calm whispers of the wind, the soft purr of a jaguar engine or the crack of thunder in a storm. It depends on what is needed in the moment to restore balance. Leaning too far in either direction brings up a not so good feeling. That’s your cue.

Where do you think the line is between irresponsible parenting and child abuse?

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