Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Art paintings of mine that I call ‘Soulscapes’ (a concept I copyrighted in 1997) start this slide show put together for me by A Band of Women (we were once ‘wives’, you should check us out). Like many other parents, I have a side that others don’t see. Sharing this side of me with you again this season.
I do these oil paintings as custom pieces from an interview that I have with the individual. Two of them (#5 & #6 above in the slide show) are sold. If the other Soulscapes in the show resonate with you they are available to you or you can commission your own custom piece for 40% off until December 31st. They range in price from $2,880 (20″x24″) to $13,000 (44″ x 38″). That’s $2,440 to $6.500 respectively until 12/31.
Hope you enjoy, then message me to order yours at!

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