Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media
My ‘voice’ tends to endorse corporeal punishment which is, these days, the ‘third rail’ of child discipline. Use sparingly. While I suppose we can all agree that a lot less of that and a lot more ‘psychological exercise’ in child discipline methods is in order, the tendency IS toward the spanking or the whoopin’, as we say. Well-rested parents do ‘psychological exercises’ almost exclusively.

Sometimes with parents who are tired and patience thin, the bull-headedness of kids, coupled with possible dangerous outcomes of the kids’actions, bringing a ‘sting’ to the kids’ ‘physical home’ registers the seriousness of the situation. It causes them to stop and think outside their ‘wanna have it my way’ box. Corporeal punishment given by a loving hand will record, with Love, the lesson.
As a matter of heritage, in my case, slaves were whipped to get them to do the master’s bidding. Evidenced by it’s immediate effectiveness, slave parents employed the same on their kids (and I know you know these parents were tired)! Little Johnny touching the hot stove is an effective lesson that the parent need not even observe. However, when little Johnny runs out into the street, a little sting with the admonishment helps him remember to avoid the street if Mom or Dad is not there.
Had the strict avoidance of corporeal punishment been employed BY ALL as far back as the 1800s, what kind of society would we have today? What are your thoughts on child discipline methods?

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