Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media
Adults (parents) tend to water their dreams down as time goes along. A certain exuberance wanes as the stress of providing for loved ones takes hold. The pursuit of a ‘higher’ education in some field that would lead to the ultimate dream is dropped completely or is just a flicker in the back of our mind that gives us hope.

Some of us feel bad or beat ourselves up because we can’t provide our child(ren) with an ivy league education or private school and tutors. I just want to remind you that, though these things are wonderful luxuries, they are not the end-all of success. There are countless millionaires and multimillionaires who did not have this advantage, some didn’t even finish high school. It’s about what the person has going on INSIDE themselves.
The CORE point of education is to have the child (you too?) DISCOVER AND EXPAND their own individual power and creativity! There is no ‘higher’ education than that. If you’ve done that for your child or know that is all you’ll be able to give them, you’ve done the very best or will be giving the very best tool(s) for their ultimate success and happiness in Life.
It’s important that we don’t leave it ALL up to the schools they attend and equally important that we MONITOR what they’re getting in school that promotes the growth and development of their creativity, self esteem and personal power. If you’re lacking in these things for yourself then you’re exploring for two (or more). Hard to give what you don’t have.
Do you lament not getting a ‘certain’ education as an adult?

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