Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media


Pull Yourself Out of Depression

When I think back over what was available for me as a parent for help in raising my child, I tend to say there were very few resources but the truth of the matter is I was depressed; severely emotionally sad, dispirited, weak and withdrawn. All of the most wonderful...

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Teenage Deaths and Cars

Teenage Deaths and Cars

Teenage deaths(16 & 17 YOs) increased by 19%! within the first six months of 2012. Teenagers' motor vehicle deaths were the single leading cause (35%!). Cell phones have something to do with this. Driver distraction is the leading cause of car accidents. Adult drivers...

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Truancy & Rebellion is Alive & Well

With mothers in the news in the last years having their sons hold signs or wear sandwich signs on the streets stating their transgressions, i.e. cutting school, selling drugs, stealing, bad grades and knowing that truancy is a 'school to prison pipeline' , it's a good...

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