Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

This video inspired by Nathalie Villeneuve of ‘Nathalie &, Health, Wealth & Happiness Consultants’ is about Multitasking and Procrastination. These two items are at the opposite ends of the ‘get it done’ spectrum.
My recent video named ‘Do It now’ addresses procrastination at it’s core. Simply stated, if you train you kids to respond to your requests in the moment you issue it, after many years of this, procrastination is not something they will be inclined to do a lot in their adult lives and hence will be more successful in general.
Multitasking is at the opposite end of the activity spectrum but the results can be the same as procrastination or worse because it is a detriment, inefficient and a health hazard. Our brains can do only one thing 100% or otherwise at a time. To have it do more is stressful and leads to mediocre performances, accidents and health issues. Let’s teach our kids to focus on one task at a time… into their genius.

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