Sex Sells Our Young Fledglings right down the river. Our brilliance as humans is dusted over by the call of the wild. Sex is our brilliance handicap.
Don’t get me wrong. I totally understand how important procreation and recreation is. I simply object to the dumbing down the sex hormones play on us…starting at puberty.
Here, again, at puberty, is the time to remind your child of how brilliant they are and how this stage of their development is to be ‘mastered’. Emphasize how important it is for them to remain conscious and vigilant to protecting their intelligence. In these young developing years, their brain is producing hormones of all kinds and growing like crazy.
Explain that sex, though important, appeals to the very lowest base of our grand existence and does not serve their ultimate brilliance… their highest calling to reach the pinnacle of whatever profession they eventually choose. The dumbing down of America can be found in many places; one is the constant onslaught of sexual images, over sexualized pop stars and media.
Have them BEGIN NOW to take the reins of what they will let in and internalize. Have them let in and internalize their growing excellence in compassion, sports, academics and classical arts.
It’s OUR duty as parents to intervene and redirect. We’re working through excessive hormones, I know, but it’s worth it.
How good are you at the conversations about sex?
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