#17 says ‘Explain why work is to be an expression of their Joy and is necessary for their happiness’.
Sometimes we just don’t know what to say to our children and our teenagers about what the whole point of being human is. Many problems with them can be preempted or softened if we would have spontaneous conversations with them about how life works. Just pull them over sometimes and say ‘Let’s talk’ or pose questions and conversation while driving in the car (I hear that is especially effective with boys… something about it being easier for them because you both are looking ahead rather than facing).
They can see that being an adult is something to look forward to because adults appear to have all the power. Remember when you just couldn’t wait to be all grown up? The responsibilities of bills and appropriate behavior are not quite on their radar, no matter how much harping we parents do to drum it in.
Here’s the deal. Tell them that they are greatly loved. That whatever it is that they end up doing as work to support themselves and (eventually their families is an expression of THEIR Joy and Love. The inner workings of our human souls say ‘Go forth and create!’ It’s what we are born to do! No use pressing against it… trying to do nothing. We’re miserable when we have nothing to do for too long. We can’t ‘do’ nothing! Work is their creative spark made visible, an expression of love for themselves and others that feeds THEIR happiness.
All work has meaning. It means love… to someone. Love is clean and clear. The work required to clean up one’s room or the yard is to be viewed as ‘creating’ a clean space with love’s hands. Have they ever noticed how they feel in a cluttered, dirty room versus a clean and tidy one? Happier… and more productive. Feel the love when food, shelter and gifts are received from the hands of love that worked to express and give that Joy! Giving and receiving Joy and Love… It’s what’s for happiness! It’s why we work/create… our individual form of heroism.
Please tell me in now in the comments below — Have you broached this conversation in preparation for the day your child will engage (or attempt to avoid) the work search?
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