Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media
Frames of mind, like being too busy or anything that has to do with time, trip us up often because we buy into this trap we’ve set for ourselves. If we would just stop and assess our values, we can take time away from areas that are not as high a priority as attending functions with or for our children or just simply hanging out with them. We get caught up in this forward motion, this spinning wheel of activity that we ourselves have launched and have not looked back to see if our child has been run over by it!
Are your values in looking at the clock, dealing with time or are your values ‘in the moment’ with getting the feeling you want to have happen in your family circle? Think long term, big picture in feeling what you want to have yourself and your family feel then be real about the feeling that is actually being produced today. Are the feelings matching up with the big picture goal? What really needs to be happening’ in this moment’ to produce that overall feeling in the big picture, down the line, down the ‘time’ line, when they’re adults? You define your time.
You’re lying to your boss to get a day off. The job is the boss of you. Someone had this expression, I can’t remember where I heard it but they asked, “Is your job the boss of you?” Your answer is probably “Hell Yes!” and I understand that but unless you are in some 3rd world country, you do get some time off. Divide that time into 50% child (at the very least) and 50% me. Say you own your own business, right? “Is your business the boss of you or are you the boss of your business?” How much are you allowing for you and the fam?
Do what makes you happy as much as you possibly can. I’m presuming here that being with your kids makes you happy. Are you being in charge of your happiness or are you letting something outside of family come in and say “you can’t be in charge of that, we’ll take that, you have nothing, you have no time”! Time is not real. The only timelike thing that is real is ‘now’. The ‘now’. There is no past, no future, only ‘now’. Use it well.
Please tell me in the comments below what do you think about this? What is your mind frame?

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