Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Calling All Parents! What Keeps you up?

Do parents generally lose sleep at night over the same things? i.e. Finances, College Education for the kids, Training, Discipline, Helping kids cope with peer pressure, Education… I think it a good idea for us to vent together and offer solutions to each other! An old African proverb states that it ‘takes a village’ to raise well-balanced kids. Let’s be our own ‘virtual village’!!!
What have I left out that keeps you awake? What else is there?

Help with Parenting: Clean

Help with Parenting: Clean

One of the reasons my Save Your Breath CD exists is because the requesting of my son to do his part to maintain the cleanliness and/or order of his room and/or himself was constant. I understand it. I remember being a kid and thinking cleanliness and order was something adults worried (needlessly) over. You and I now know the reasons for these ‘things to do’.

Go on and explain the reasons why bacterial infection and mold infestation are to be avoided. Show graphic pictures if necessary! Dirt and its accompanying foreign microbes, foci and fungi are fun playmates for VERY short periods of time! The Golden Rule comes into play. Smells. ‘Stink unto others as you would have others stink unto you!’ Have they ever smelled a skunk or rotten egg? No? Help them with that. Teenagers don’t mind being as eyesore but that smell thing works!
Of the foundational ‘work ethic’: this begins a certain key element…doing a job well done. Our first job (from childhood to the grave), ‘caring for self’, begins the ‘How to’ basic first guide for doing a job well…clean neck, ears, brushing teeth long enough…
Tell them "establishing habits for this basic care of ourselves enhances our ‘good health’ experience…keeps us out of the doctor’s office and reduces the number of needle pricks one must endure". Tell them that this care for themselves helps them to grow up (significant infections would impede or stop their growth) and be grown-ups! Then no one can make them take a bath again! They’ll like that but…we know that… by then…it will be too late.
How do/did you get your kids to clean up?

Parents! Control? No?

A parent pointed out to me that the term ‘parental control’ did not resonate with her. Just curious…How do you feel about this term? Is ‘parental control’ a term you would use?
If not, what would you use instead?

Where are your Kids? #1 of 20 Tips….

Own your parenthood! #1 Tip of 20 Tips for Better Management of Your Teens = ‘Know where they are at all times. Freedom comes at adulthood’. This means keeping tight track of where your little (and not so little) bio-identical replicas are at all times. This is level one, ground floor, foundational!
There have been mothers over the last years or so in the news that made their truant sons hold or wear sandwich signs on the street for hours stating their transgressions, i.e. cutting school, selling drugs, stealing, bad grades… you get the picture. Many point at a ‘system’ that doesn’t help get their sons straight. Kris Jenner talks about how Khloe Kardasian would sneak out of her bedroom window to go hang out with her boyfriend (and eventually lose her virginity) at 14.
I applaud the passionate stance these Mothers took with their sons. Khloe turned out OK but for her and legions of others, it could have also gone VERY wrong. Some kids don’t make it back to the ‘sanctity that is home’, however defined in a particular household.
Neglect is a form of passive child abuse. Keeping good tabs on kids helps you avoid a form of physical neglect and let’s the child know you love them. These days, with the ‘village’ lacking, the

lets us know where they are almost all the time! When there is enough ‘tracking’, there is little room for getting in trouble or woeful accidents!

What is your primary method of child tracking?

Discipline Children

Parents! Discipline your children! This is part of #10 of 20 Tips to a Better Relationship with your Teen, though this applies to all age groups. You are not their friend! Keep parental status!
If you don’t discipline them, society will. Is that what you want?
Stop in the moment of the transgression and make the correction!
Example: stealing, as address in this video.

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