Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
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Is Your ‘Sense’ Disabled?

Rowena Starling in 2021

Rowena in 2021

It’s a wonderful Fall Festival/Halloween Day. You’re sitting outside in the meadow with the audience of other parents watching a Halloween play in which your offspring is performing.  The air is crisp and refreshing, the Sun is gentle on your face.


The play is going well.  Everyone is beaming with pride as their progeny do their thing, when you notice that a metal beam is slowly giving way over your child head.  You rise to rush to the Director to have them stop the performance but there isn’t time!


You shout in your mind for your child to “STEP BACK”!!!  At that moment, your child, steps back as the beam falls in front of him!  Coincidence?  I think not.




Whether your child is 5 or 50 our connection with them is facilitated and integrated with telepathy and intuition. They are a means of making parenting easier and are often ignored in that regard.


My misery as a black divorced mother stemmed from a lack of understanding the depth of the connection we all have to our offspring and others. The result was needless suffering and devastation. We have some level of these connections with everyone.


When my son was in womb I talked with him all the time, as I’m sure you did with your offspring. Once he was born and right on through to age 12 or so we had a strong non-verbal communication connection (then his hormones hit). I miss those times. How about you?


In a happier time with my (ex)husband, at about 2:30pm one day as I was descending the stairs from the 2nd floor of a prospective real estate client’s home, I felt a strong jolt in my chest that almost dropped me to my knees. It was at this precise moment that my (then) husband had fallen three stories to the ground at his job on a construction site!


This was an instantaneous telepathic intuitive communication on our parts! To me at that time in our relationship, it meant something, like we were truly ‘bonded’. …. Imagine my devastation and heartbreak at finding it wasn’t enough to keep us together.




Then there is the ‘twin evidence’ and other multiple birth ESP occurrences between those siblings that cannot be denied. More than enough evidence of their special connection has existed through millennia. Let’s not debate gravity.


I say all that to say this: Many parents think that if they do things ‘harder’ (like work harder or press their offspring to do what they want them to do) they would get what they want, but it’s really easier than that.  If they would only realize that we have built-in psychological and spiritual powers, then they would give themselves a break, reduce their stress and open themselves to the growth and discovery of a far more interesting and fulfilling life.



1. Give more attention to the moments in your day and …

2. Relax more. Stress never or way less.

3. Listen to the thoughts and feelings you have inside that feel good and amplify them.


We can deepen our ordinary knowing of each other. If you want, I can help you eliminate your deep-seated fear of this kind of connection at .










Are You Suffering From a Broken Heart?

We come here to this planet with the most innocent of intensions, to live life to the fullest, to have joy, laughter, love and creativity at every turn.

Can you remember?  Reflect now on it… How far back can you go?

How do I know this? I remember springing out of bed at 3 years old, excited about the day and what it could possibly bring. How far back can you remember?

Here’s the problem… We projected that ‘joy expectation’ on our love relationships with men… or others… and it was not reciprocated. This was and is painful and a pain we carry with us. Are you suffering from a broken heart?

Romantic relationship after romantic relationship we thrashed and floundered. We did this because we wanted the joy to go on… Joy is our central feeling endeavor, our default anticipated feeling.

However, the misplacement of so much of our attention and affection on others to the exclusion of ourselves is the root of our pain. We can see it over and over again when we revisit and think about the experience we had with our former lovers.

Centering your affection on yourself and honoring the fact that you are enough and you are the true cause of your Joy, alleviates any deep disappointment in the behavior of others.

Going into relationships ‘being able to handle disappointment’ beforehand saves us.

I could see in my own Mother the heartbreak she experienced when my (sperm-donor) father choose the other girl he’d gotten pregnant over her. Her heart broke every time she looked at me because I looked just like him! Can you imagine?

Of course you can. You’re possibly having the very same experience with your offspring. When you look at them does your heart sink a little bit because they look like their father… that you’re no longer with or with whom you are emotionally distant?

I repeated the pattern of heartbreak in my own life. With every guy I met that I liked I’d wonder ‘Are you the one?’ I didn’t get pregnant but my heart broke every time he wasn’t. More of the attention I was giving then truly needed to be directed at myself.

When I left my son’s father I was depressed for a long time. I had been fed the ‘happily ever after’ fairytale story so many times by the time I was a teenager the expectation of receiving the fairytale for myself was the only option I considered possible for gaining true happiness.

My meditation practice saved me again as it had so many times before. I turned to my art practice, painting and clung to the love I had for my little boy.

At this juncture in life, I see it was all driven by hormones. It was quite a relief to have those hormones slough off. It left me feeling refreshed.

Had you and I known we are enough in advance… in our 20s, 30s & 40s, we would have saved ourselves a lot of heartbreak and been much further down the road in Joy. I invite you now to tune into yourself, to appreciate all you’ve gone through and cherish the exquisite creature that you are. When you tune in you’ll find it wasn’t all in vain, you’re all the richer for it and you’ll never abandon yourself again.

Your Problem is You Put Up with Waaay Too Much Crap

Do you remember when you were younger, possibly happier, as light and airy as fog and fresh as mountain dew, hormones bursting, struggling to make sense of life?

“Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.” – Jennifer Yane

Ahhh… the Partying!… and hanging out with friends doing little to nothing. Discovering your first frantic steps into adulthood… your first jobs… maybe college … relationships. Relationships, that’s where everything started, then debt and eventually… longing for ‘the good life’.

What do you remember of the years that you mostly had fun in? What were you doing? Where were you? How much of it was fun that you had alone? Do you remember how much you loved and pampered yourself?

Last time we talked about fear being at the root of all of our problems. I’m talking to women in your 50’s now. Can you remember how much smaller your fears were in those days? Can you see how, as you’ve moved through time, stress has gathered and compounded? Fear is at the root of that.

These days you wake up to find yourself achy, tired and stressed before you even get out of bed. You’re near miserable over having reached some sort of midpoint in the river of life and afraid this is all there is… it’s all downhill from here.

Problems continue ebbing and flowing, highs and lows… Do you have mostly lows and stress that won’t let go! It seems like it will go on forever this way… ebbing and flowing… mostly ebbing…

Your problem is you tolerate just toooo much and you don’t take the time to actually know who you are! You’re waaay too busy surviving and taking care of the needs of others!

Black Women in their 50s & 60s have a 47% risk of stroke and 3x higher rate of stroke than white women per a 2019 study done by the Women’s Health Initiative at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. [This has no doubt doubled in this pandemic season since 2019!]

Many of us Black Women have badly neglected ourselves. Some of us are parents of adults, some single and/or childless, feeling like a failure. We’ve neglected our health and emotional well-being, we’ve tried and tried to make meaningful changes over the years but we think we have failed in life, career, marriage or parenting experience… or a combination of these and other circumstances.

Let’s say you’re a 56yo Black Woman catering to ungrateful family members: husband, kids, man, parent(s), siblings… Save Your Breath! It’s really not about what they are doing or not doing. It’s about this fact: YOU have attracted whatever the situation, circumstance or outrageous behavior on their part is. This is true about EVERYTHING in your life whether you believe it or not.

The pandemic and its aftermath isn’t easy AND it wasn’t easy even before the pandemic. You feel stressed and dispairing mainly because you tolerate way too much. You’re tolerating it ‘within’. This causes premature aging, chronic disease and mounting stress! Once you sort it out from within everything starts to change for the better.

Many Black Women in their 50s think that they must remain buried in endless confusion and burdened by their accumulated responsibilities. That it is what it is but that isn’t so. If they would just use the power they have within more to their advantage then they would free themselves from tons of stress and disappointment.

Others of us think this is just the way it is and don’t have the energy to push against it, that it’s useless to try but that isn’t so. If they would just breathe into a new life for themselves, open their senses to the loving possibilities and tap into the endless reservoir of juicy life that lives within them they would amaze themselves with endless Joy.

For example, in my mid 50s I encountered a lot of back-talk from my adult Son, back-stabbing from my co-workers, the people on my business team and overwhelm from a significant pile of debt. I had neglected my meditation and visualization practice which was equivalent to taking my eye off the ball in a game. Sometimes you get hit in the head!

When you take your eyes off the ball in a game you increase your chance of losing. The same is true in neglecting your inside self, to soothe your feelings and amply the Joy that lives inside of you. Meditation gives this soothing and helps with amplification.

I had a feeling of impending dread and doom in my mid 5th decade in this lifetime. It’s the feeling of ‘Is that all there is?’. (Do you remember that song? I think Peggy Lee debuted it in 1969.) That’s not all there is if you want more…

I restarted my meditation, visualization and prayer practice. My feelings soothed out. Suddenly everyone was getting along, my debt started to melt and my fun returned.

Harness your imagination, amplify your very best feelings and KNOW you have what you want. Stop internalizing and putting up with so much crap. The crap will start to dissipate as you begin to meditate seriously. This practice will lead you to who you really are. Take the time to get to know who you really are. There is way more to you than you realize.

You may wonder how I know this about you. Well, as I said, I was once stressed, heartsick and disparing as well. Over the years I’ve gone in and out of doing what’s best for me just like you have. It’s that ebb and flow I spoke of earlier. We’ve all done it.

We’re kindred spirits. I don’t have access to anything you don’t have. It’s time we decide to go deeper, wider and more consistent with exploring the miracle we are by going within. You’ll find your problems begin to clear up and life becomes easier. You save time. Isn’t that what you want? If not, what do you want? Whatever it is, it’s available.

In my practice I have access to that miracle part that we all have. Of all the things we do, of all the games we play, THIS is a game worth playing. The rest is fluff. You then recapture your fun, your feelings of grandeur and delicious peace.

If you have not meditated before here is a beginner’s basic:

Sit in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed by noise, pets, etc.  These days I use ears plugs to help block outside noises. You may have noise-cancelling earbuds.  They’re not absolutely necessary but if your household is noisy, they are very helpful … though some sounds, like the sounds of nature or the gentle hum of ambient life, help focus the noisy mind.

Make sure your waistline is not restricted and there is no tightness anywhere from clothing, belts, & etc.

Take your shoes off.

Sit in a chair, feet flat.  [Lying down works only if you can ensure you won’t fall asleep.]

Sit straight and balanced with back supported (however, ninjas don’t use back-support. I’m not a ninja).  Balance your head (it weighs 10-11 lbs.) evenly on your neck & spine.

Close your eyes…

Breathe deeply… inhale 6 seconds…. then exhale six seconds… Inhale 6 seconds then exhale six seconds.  Inhale… Exhale…  With each breath relax your entire body…. Gently scan from head to toe releasing tension wherever it is found and wherever it’s not found…. Let go.

During meditation scan often to make sure tension has not returned anywhere. The mind has a way of insisting on tension. Cancel that noisy troublemaker on all fronts.

Your objective is to maintain a quiet mind. If thoughts occur, gently bat them away. They are not the boss of you. Don’t let them be. Remain in silence as long as you can, building the amount of time each day until you’ve reached at least 15 minutes per sit.

Remain in that silent mind and peaceful feeling throughout the day, to the best of your ability. You’ll get stronger as you practice. It’s the forgetting or neglecting our centering practices of having an appreciative nature, meditation, prayer and visualization that gets us in trouble with our happiness bubble!

Nurture your happiness bubble and attract nothing to be ‘tolerated’.

Catch-22 of Financial Fears

Catch-22 of Financial Fears

The catch-22 of financial fears is: you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t AND what you fear most happens!  As with most things in life, when we feel better about the situation, the ultimate outcomes are better than they would have been otherwise.  Money can be ‘influenced by our feelings’ into the direction we want it to go.  (Our collective feelings influence the direction of the stock market. Let’s all feel real good at all times!)

People ask me “What do financial feelings/fears have to do with child discipline?”  They ask me this because I often write or talk about the relationship of child discipline and the feelings people have about money.  The answer is simple.  Raising a child brings added financial pressure (to the tune of apx. $250,000 over 18 years) and without parental control tools of varying degrees of potency; hard financial times, kids being kids and parental self neglect can yield harsh action taken out on kids!
The care and feeding of children requires we guide (train) and protect them (often from themselves).  New humans have a lot of ‘I am free’ and too little of ‘this could kill me’!  The catch-22 occurs here too but we parents soldier through pretty well when it comes to the kids.
It is the money issue that scares the bejesus out of most of us and have us paralyzed in angst.  I say relax and feel good.  Influence money and kids in the direction of good fortune!!!
To what degree do you worry about money, adversity, your child’s future? …Your future?  What is your catch-22?

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule states “Do unto others as you would have them do unto YOU”. I wonder how many people were taught that by their parents. My son certainly understands it. How many actually teach this to their children, teens? Based on what I see in the world, this rule has been largely dropped out or overlooked. There would not be all of the trouble and strife we’re experiencing. Warring countries would not war. Religions would love each other. You could count on your neighbor to respect you as you respect them because to do otherwise leads to stress, unhappiness, possible pain or death. What do you think of the idea of re-enforcing The Golden Rule?

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