Speak to the facts once they’re all in. That seems easy to say but the truth is, ALL of the facts are never in. So the best we can do is be aware of that as we mete out our decisions.
The facts that remain hidden are the ones that have to do with ‘why’ the teen is motivated to do or say what they did. Some facts can be explained. Others are under the surface and can’t be recognized even by the teen. If the teen can’t recognize key motivations for their behavior, they can hardly tell you EXACTLY why such and such happened.
A grain of salt is in order. To reduce the stress levels on yourself, it’s a good idea to be aware that the ‘unexplainable’ exists. COUNT IT as one (or two) of the ‘facts’ and address issues accordingly. Ultimately, you MUST believe everything will be OK in order to help make it so.
Are you patient in gathering your facts before meting out consequences?
MOTHERS EVERYWHERE, take this day to love and nurture YOUR Self. HEAP the Love on Your Self because you cannot give what’s depleted. SOAK inside out in it. Kiss yourself on the bicep. We are the Champions.
STRESS IS WINNING!!! "83% of Americans spend NONE of their day just thinking. (It was) found that being alone with no distractions such as the internet was so distasteful to 2/3 of men and 1/4 of women that THEY CHOSE to give themselves ELECTRIC SHOCKS rather than sit quietly in a room with nothing but the thoughts in their heads!" ~ Researchers at the U of VA. …
How INSANE is THAT? What percentage of these people are PARENTS? What’s our country coming to?
GOOGLE’s PLATFORM CHANGES have interferred with the functioning of the Save Your Breath App for Android. Please be patient while we endeavor to make adjustments. Thank You. … No need to let the kids know, tho.
Stressed and aggravated raising your child/children? I can help decompress your weary nerves. Allow me to give you a Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session. Email me at rowena@saveyourbreath101.com with your phone number and Let’s Schedule!
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