Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media
Co-Parenting with ‘The Ex’ can be a Pain!

Co-Parenting with ‘The Ex’ can be a Pain!

Your child comes home from their weekend with ‘the Ex’ and reports that someone there, an adult, hit them. You don’t know the person. Your Ex does.

I’m reminded of this scenario as I listened to the interview I did on The Save Your Breath Show, Episode 4 with Tori Amos, author of CONSCIOUS YOU, CONSCIOUS YOUTH: A Guide of How To Connect with Your Youth or Teen While Building Your Own Spiritual Ground. A clip of the show is below and it’s available on demand on The OSWN Channel of VoiceAmerica.TV. Needless to say, I was in a fever to confront this woman that hit my Son!

I went to her job the next day and waited for her return from break or lunch or wherever she was but she never showed. My Ex assured me he had handled her and the situation but still, I was uneasy with my Son’s visits with him from then on. I had other reasons for this uneasiness but I’ll decline to put the man’s business out here in this blog.

At the time, I was dealing with the personal devastation of separation, divorce and having lost everything. It was a little difficult for me to separate reason from rage most of the time. Know what I mean? What reaction and action is appropriate in infuriating situations and what are not appropriate? At the time, it was all a blur to me.

What kind of issues are you dealing with when it comes to your co-parenting situation? Is it smooth running? Do you get along well? Are you on the same page with your ‘ex’ when it comes to parenting your child(ren)? If you have a good system going in this regard, count yourself blessed.

So many are struggling with this issue.

There’s the flat-out hatred of the Ex that gets in the way, the tug of war over the kids’ affections, the clever playing of mom and dad against each other by the kids and the non-compliance of custody agreements… to name a few along with their variations and flavors. There is no ‘winning’ in these scenarios. Remember: the child(en) in the middle of this have unresolved feelings. There is no ‘winning’ until they have been able to ‘resolve’ their feelings and that may take years. I have The Family System that I have developed over the years that helps parents navigate the rough seas of parenting and co-parenting.

Let’s just say that the sooner the parents get their act together the faster ‘the happiness’ happens for all involved. I’m reminded of a couple of dear friends of mine that got divorced after about 7 years of marriage. This was before I started my parent mentoring practice. From what I understand, it was the husband that got the 7-year-itch, had a couple of affairs and the wife couldn’t put up with it anymore. Their kids were seven and three at the time. Cute as buttons.

With all the yelling, screaming and fighting that ensued, I saw the kids change before my very eyes. At the beginning of the separation and divorce, the ‘cute as buttons’ became depressed. As can be expected because the mom was depressed and they lived with her, plus they had their own unresolved feelings to contend with.

Once the divorce was final and the parents could see a little more clearly what they were doing to the children, their love for the children won out and they came together in their co-parenting activity. Their madness would have continued had I not pointed out to them separately that their attitudes were toxic to themselves AND their children. As soon as they changed, the children thrived.

Oh! And let’s not forget that the adult offspring of divorcing and divorced parents have issues also!!! Albeit on a different level but no less jarring. The personal grief that consumes some is not to be taken lightly, not to mention the financial and possible emotional and physical support of one or the other parent or both!

So, why are we talking about this? I want us to recognize who we are in this scenario! When we ‘stop in the moment’ and completely recognize our humanity and the humanity of ‘the ex’ and our children, significant pressure is released from our hearts. We can begin to heal ourselves and everyone involved in the situation.

Hurt feelings, anger or hatred must be allowed to flower and leave. Many times the feelings won’t be denied but they can be recognized for the destructive entities that they are and truncated. Our health and happiness depend on us doing that.

Oversimplifying these issues is not what I’m after. For instance, I have a client that was recovering from a devastating divorce when I met her. Her son was 24 years old. She had been divorced for 4 years. Her heart had been broken by ‘the love of her life’. She was 54 and felt she would never love again.

She said “My heart has been broken beyond repair. My son doesn’t come around because I’m so bitter. He says he doesn’t want to ‘hear it’ (the tearing down of his father) but I just can’t help myself. So he stays away.” The stress of it all had taken a toll on them both. I know not where the father is.

Her grief had become a part of her. It had taken on a life of its own! She had not allowed it to flower and leave. She held on to it, nurtured it and fed it with poisonous thoughts of her ‘ex’. She had forgotten who she was and her humanity. We worked to get her back there… to that human that was so vibrant and carefree in her twenties. She now looks and feels much happier! Her son is back in her life and she is relieved to know/remember that love is STILL very possible for her future.

Tools that help eliminate the co-parenting with ‘the ex’ problem: meditation, yoga, remembering our humanity, recognizing there is ‘no fault’ in either of you parents (this may take some doing), regulating and extricating negative emotions (I may need to help you with this) and maintaining a clear channel to your divinity.

OK. There. I’ve said it. If you feel disconnected from The Divine in you then all sorts of problems ensue. Co-parenting would be just one of them. If you feel unbalanced and/or disconnected, here are a few steps to help you reconnect:

Meditate daily. If you’re new at it, I recommend starting with 5 minutes per day and working your way up to an hour per day. You can do 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes before lunch and 20 minutes in the evening if you like before jumping to a full hour in one sitting. Once you’ve gotten into the groove of it and have been consistent for a month or so, you can be more flexible with the amount of time done per day.Yoga for 30+ minutes every day or every other day. Yoga is essentially focused exercise and meditation combined.Remember your humanity. Your human self is the physical extension of your divine self. Remember this and respect yourself and your feelings accordingly. Remember this about your ‘ex’ and your offspring and you will respect them and their feelings accordingly. Happiness will ensue.

What if you decide to continue with the status quo (if it is a bad one)? If it’s your comfort zone and that’s where you’re comfortable, your desires are to be respected as a matter of your humanity. The toll it takes on your health and the happiness of your offspring will be felt by the rest of us though, as we are all connected. Surely you don’t want the responsibility of all that, do you? Haha, I’m casting a wide net here but it is true. Just as a loving stone cast in the waters ripples out into every more loving waves, so does the sick, negative and hateful.

This is a Call to Arms to the parents who treasure all that is holy and sacred to take up loving arms against parenting by default, living in fear and anxiety and just generally feeling crappy. Of the ones called, an HEORIC task is laid before them… Bring up the next generation of HEROES.

BE the light that shines for your offspring on the path to Infinite Joy. Give it to yourself first. Have your True and Loving Will. This doesn’t stop just because your child is now an adult. We are forever attracting to ourselves that which we are on the inside. What are you on the inside? What’s showing?

If you find you want help with all this, allow me to do a Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session for you. It’s a $250 value for free (while supplies last). Simply fill out and submit the parenting assessment form located at and we’ll schedule from there.

Power Trips Flip Good Intentions!

Power Trips Flip Good Intentions!

You’re running for the bus because you realize you’ve left your baby on it, you trip on a power line and fall flat on your face!!!

The baby being left on the bus represents our distraction with unimportant things. Our running to catch the bus represents our desire to make things right and show our baby how much we love them and tripping on the power line represents our lack of attention to the real power that lies within.

What are power trips? Power trips, in this instance, are those communications we have with people, children, family in which we seek to have our position in a matter dominate and win the ultimate outcome. It’s having it ‘our way’ no matter what they say. Power trips seem to dominate a lot of the exchanges we have with our children especially our teenagers. Isn’t this an energy drain? Sometimes we wonder how we can possibly keep this up for 18+ years! …but we do…

No matter what we say, it’s a constant battle to make any headway. In everyday life with parent and child both engaging in power trips, can you see how this is exhausting? Can you FEEL it? Make a note of this: My battle is with myself. It’s take on the battle or retreat. Retreat is not a real option. If YOU retreat, you both lose. Getting our point across in a single ‘battle’ or skirmish, no matter what it is, becomes more important than winning the war or in this case, the ultimate goal. What is the ultimate goal? The goal is to get them to adulthood, happy, healthy, wise and understanding how to fulfill their dreams.

Our battle is with ourselves. It may help to look at your child and see yourself. Are you willing to recall yourself at that age? I know this is too abstract for many but it is a worthwhile exercise. We exercise or we die. When we look and see ourselves, a certain amount of compassion kicks in. A certain amount of savvy kicks in. We start to remember the games we used to play with our own parents. We gain insight into how to respond in the most effective way. Many times the most effective response is no response at all. Are you willing to save your breath? Let the chips fall where they may. Think of the lesson touching the hot stove teaches. Let it be.

What in the home environment offers support? Our voices are not the only element necessary for teaching. Our composure teaches, our look into their eyes teaches. Our ability to ‘chill’ teaches. The children will need the understanding of how to use these elements as they go out into the world. Confidence teaches. They’ll need to communicate confidence as they move about in the world. Bullies seldom attack confidence… more than once. A strong, confident mind defeats bullies.

Why are there power trips? Well, going deeper into the glib ego answers. We have to look back into our experiences as a child. We can look back there and find answers to an endless number of questions. We can look back as far as the womb and beyond for answers. Then what do we do with these answers? Note this: It’s all about the moment. Ask yourself, what is the answer that will satisfy my curiosity right now? Answer that question. Make it as dramatic as you’d like. Then, apply the satisfaction you get from having that answer to the situation at hand and ask, ‘Do I really need to react the way I am?’

Our energy is a precious resource that we take for granted and it is granted provided we respect the source. Power trips stem from being unbalanced. Unbalanced energy trying to force its way into a particular direction. When we balance our energy, miracles occur. Could you use a miracle right now? The energy issue looms every day. Sometimes we feel up to it. Most times we’re just slogging through. You know what makes the difference?… gives us the energy? Our Love for them. Our love for our children.

They’re living love-lines. Even when they’re being a pain in the butt, the love thing keeps us in check. If we’re not in check, our mojo is off. Overwhelm has taken over. ENERGY is really a boundless resource. Among other things, we’re electrical… a fundamental property of matter made up of electrons, protons and positrons manifesting itself as attraction, repulsion, hot and luminous! Combine all that with the spiritual aspect of things! Can you see and feel the power surge within at just the thought of it?

One of the core understandings for us to have is that we are this boundless energetic being. Just understanding that preempts a certain amount of exhaustion. That exhaustion in turn becomes a thing of the past and a repose for the Hero that you are. Remember this: You are your child’s Hero. They’re looking to you to show the way to handle things. ‘Things’ includes the Self, Others, circumstances, situations, challenges, bullies, etc. When we consider it ALL, there is no way we are to handle it ALL except as the fountain of peace. Otherwise, we lose our mojo and drive ourselves to distraction.

How do we recognize and deal with the ever looming power trip? We can recognize it in the moment with our feelings. The moment we feel out of balance we know we have something to handle within ourselves. It’s not coming from outside. That just our mind playing tricks on us. There is no ‘outside’. We produced it all. We need to draw on that endless Love tap. You know, like the beer tap? … a Love tap. Sit quietly and just feel it fill you up, then respond. I suspect we’re not doing a lot of that or we wouldn’t feel so stressed.

Process and procedures aside, if there ain’t no juice in the line, the lights won’t come on. If the results you’re looking for need 4g and all you can muster is 110V, you need some serious rebooting! Rebooting is easy. My favorite means for doing it is meditation. What do you do to give yourself that extra jolt of Love’s electrical energy?

As you know, different situations call for different levels of engagement. Choosing one’s battles becomes important for reserving your energy for 4g situations. Don’t use 4g on 110 situations. That’s an inefficient use of energy. Efficiency is key for the preservation of self, energy, esteem and nerves.

If you would like me to help you with this, go to and this the link with the parenting assessment and I’ll do a Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session for you. It’s a $250 value for free.

What if we don’t deal with these power trips/power struggles effectively? Well, what do you think will happen? How many out of whack parent/child relationships do you suppose are out there? How many have you witnessed? Are you engaged in one right now?

From a global perspective, we’re constantly having to deal with individuals who clearly have ego power issues… from terrorists to school teachers. Let’s start NOW to get us all on the same humanistic page! Remember this: when we get everyone on the same page, harmony ensues. Working together can’t happen without a proper love of humanity.

Nationally and locally, same thing. It’s just closer to home. Note that home is really everywhere. From a home perspective, peace is not a four letter word. Love is. Let’s use THAT four letter word more often and mean it in a place where there is no space or time. Peace and love go to hell when power struggles gain priority. Is that what we want?

Save your breath sometimes. It’s not necessary to badger or say the same things over and over again when you have laid out the whyfors. Silence speaks in more than one way. In fact, when you’re silent, there is a communication happening. The words you spoke before are resonating. You don’t have to say them again. You just need to be as you would if you were waiting to see the result of having said them before.

Not only are YOUR words resonating but the voice of God whispers in their heads also. Your voice, the voice of God, their own egos chiming in. The kid has stuff to work through. Give them some space. Give yourself some space. And remember: power trips make for bruised egos and feelings of resentment.

Is Anxiety Ruining the Integrity in Your Parenting?

Is Anxiety Ruining the Integrity in Your Parenting?

You’re visiting with friends who live on the border of Wyoming near Yellowstone National Park. It about 8p at night and they’ve left for the store. You hear a strange noise in the kitchen. You round the corner and find yourself eyeball to eyeball with a grizzly bear! Fear sets in. Should you slam the door and run or continue to stand there frozen and hope it doesn’t care?!! Anxiety has paralyzed you!!!

That’s what it like for some parents who have anxiety over being parents! This post is about the various forms of anxiety we parents feel and the effect it has on our integrity. Do you feel anxiety in your parenting?

What kinds of anxiety do you carry around? Many parents feel that if they could somehow maintain a friendship with their offspring their (the parent’s and the child’s) world would be happier but it’s really deeper than that. If they would just realize that their child comes here with ego and that their (the parent’s) current and long-term sanity are at stake, they would accept the help they so desperately need.

There IS this anxiety of being the disciplinarian or authority figure vs your child’s friend. Well, a friend is someone who knows you well and is fond of you. Someone who is an ally, sympathizer and supporter. If you’re on point as a parent, your offspring becomes your friend once they reach adulthood but they can’t possibly be that as a child. They don’t know you well enough yet.

What are they getting to know about you? Because they come here with ego, they’re getting to know you’re a pushover. How many times have you seen a parent helpless in the face of a tyrannical child? What was happening at home that gave the child the ‘authority’ to behave that way in public?

I have a Family System that I’ve developed that helps parents with this and many other aspects of parenting that stresses us parents out. Anxiety is a silent killer. Half the time you don’t even know it’s there.

What is anxiety? It’s worry and uneasiness over what MAY happen. It’s our mind riding us. It’s our hearts being squeezed.

There is the anxiety over bringing a child into this world in the first place! Horrible place that it’s perceived it to be, there is quite a bit of worry and handwringing over that. Every day in the news we’re reminded of what the ‘life sentence’ could be that we place on our sweet unborn child. If it’s not the violence of our fellow man, it was the violence of mother nature and freak accidents that send us into crying fits. I could see no joy in it. Why bring a child into this kind of world?

Do you worry over having the money necessary to support a child, a family? It’s right up there in the big three of anxieties and fears. The struggle many parents face in this challenge is overwhelming to the point of divorce. Would you let me help you jump this hurdle? It starts with losing the fear or anxiety that’s holding you back… eating at you in the background. We are HEROES and as such, we use every tool at our disposal to crush the enemy. Anxiety and fear are the enemy. I have the tools.

I worried about being smart enough or wise enough to influence the life of a child. I was worrying in a vacuum, not doing any research, just worrying. I’ve talked to more than a few young mothers and would be mothers who voiced the same concern.

Man! I wish I had mastered this information before my Son was born. I actually thought ‘winging it’ was what we were supposed to do! I did have the decency of forethought to ‘think’ that if I waited until I was older and more mature I would have all of the wisdom and knowledge I would need to raise a child… and so I waited. I waited, not knowing that the roots of old heartache and insecurity had not been killed. I reached a magical age limit preordained by biology and medical science that said, “It’s time” and I went forth and multiplied.

Anxiety is often brought on by the idea of being a perfect parent. Perfect parenting doesn’t exist and yet it’s available to everyone because we are perfect in our imperfection. Our imperfection is for the circumstance at hand, which is to expand and evolve into a better parent and person.

Besides, perfection is overrated; you’re perfect, then what? Seems to me decay is next. It’s all downhill from there! We’re being perfected as we go by the lessons our children teach us. Lessons children teach us galvanize us to a stronger, more joyful existence and an even deeper understanding of love.

Why must we address anxiety? Anxiety is a significant health issue and silent killer. It’s rooted in fear, causes stress and has a close relationship with depression!

It’s something we can pass along to our children. Do you want to do that? We all may appear to be separate from each other by our skin but our emotions and feelings do not have skin barriers. There is a constant ebb and flow on our emotional exposure. It’s part of the 93% of non-verbal communication. ‘Communicable’ emotion is what I call it. You know, like communicable disease…

We must address it and build up our protection from it from within. As in protection from any communicable disease (dis ease) we must fortify ourselves from within. How do you do that for yourself and then for your child? Remember, oxygen mask on You first… Do you remember why?

So how do we rid ourselves of this anxiety? The quality of your attention is the quality of your parenting results. Listen with your whole body as often as you can. Things have a tendency to get hectic. If one has a lot of background noise and emotion going on in one’s head and heart, one will miss a lot of what is said and totally miss important cues to what’s really going on in the child’s mind and heart.

Know that you are the perfect parent even if all you’re doing is what it takes to repair YOUR broken heart and emotions in a timely manner. How can you tell what’s broken? Start looking at those buttons that get pressed that cause you to fly off the handle or cause you to get a sick sinking feeling in your heart or stomach. Start to recognize the feeling before it’s a full blown negative reaction. Then take a break. Stop in the moment! Breeeeathe…. Get this right and you can have it all; calmness, peace and joy throughout the land and family!!!

Keep your balance. Balance feels good, gets and gives respect and sounds like the calm whispers of the wind, the soft purr of a jaguar engine or the crack of thunder in a storm. It depends on what is needed in the moment to restore balance. Leaning too far in either direction brings up a not so good feeling. That’s your cue. Where do you think the line is between irresponsible parenting and child abuse?

What are you going through right now? It’s exactly as you have requested, maybe unconsciously… I know, I know there are some who are going through some pretty rough experiences. Are you asking for a mess or attracting hardship? We are ‘made’, ‘born’ to ask and receive. The asking may have been ‘unconscious’.

Raising children is part of The Circle of Life. There is no point in having anxiety over their coming here. This is their world, just as it’s ours. They own it. We are all born to serve The Expansion of The Great Intelligence of The Universe. As bad as you may think it is, we’re ultimately just another stretch of Cosmic Imagination.

Your creation of a legacy of having the courage to do the right thing, having a will to create the family you want and finding a way, builds integrity in your child and family unit. Walk the talk. Parent by example. It’s easier than you think.

Would you like to eliminate fears and anxieties in minutes rather than taking months and years! Everything about us is communication and how we feel in all aspects of our lives. If you have fears and/or anxieties that stand in the way of you making the money you know you’re capable of or stand in the way of dealing with parenthood in a thoroughly loving and effective way, if you find you are often anxious over disciplinary issues or what the future holds, contact me through the complimentary parenting assessment at It’s a $250 value for free for a limited time only. You’ll be glad you did!

You were born to be a HERO to your child. There’s a saying, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” I believe this is true. Not all people are called to be parents AND many parents don’t pick up the mantle of being responsible parents, HEROES for their children, and our world suffers because of it.

THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS!!! I call now for parents who treasure all that is holy and sacred to take up arms against parenting by default, living in fear and anxiety and just generally feeling crappy.

Of the ones called, an HEROIC task is laid before them… Bring up the next generation of HEROES.

BE the light that shines for your child(ren) on the path to Infinite Joy. Give it to yourself first. Have your True Will. This doesn’t stop just because your child is now an adult. Even the grizzly bear in the kitchen senses unconditional love and will walk away.



You’re rushing down the street. Excited and anxious to get to your business appointment on time. You glance at your watch. Looks like you’ll just make it on time when… you realize… you left your baby on the bus!!!

Is your mojo out of whack? If you find yourself running ragged and dropping things through the cracks, it’s a sign that your mojo is out of whack. Pull your Mojo in!… And what is your mojo? You may ask. It’s your ‘Universal Resource’…that part of yourself that is the universal joint in the drive shaft that is your life.

It’s your magic… your spark that gets things done. We often forget that the power that moves our lives comes from within. Some of us don’t even know it’s there. We need it for raising children. If it’s scattered, pull it in.

So, what do I mean by scattered mojo? Well, it’s when we attempt to have our point of focus on more than one thing at a time. Our energy gets scattered in all directions like a single beam of light going through a prism. Remember prisms? Anyway, the light goes through, gets divided into many beams that are not as strong as the light that was the single point of focus. The resulting light is watered down, weaker, fainter. That’s why multitasking isn’t a good idea. The brain can do only one thing well at a time. And it literally does that… just one thing at a time even though you think you’re doing many.

What does all this have to do with communicating with our children? Well, scattered Mojo, watered down by too many things to do or grief, pain or depression is a leading cause of grief, pain and depression. It’s an absolute self-fulfilling prophecy …a wet soggy mess that needs airing out and fluffing up. If you’re impatient or snappy in your communications with your family, check your feelings. If overwhelm is part of them, it’s a sign your Mojo is out of whack.

Raising children is the task at hand. It is an all-consuming love challenge, the ultimate Life project, second to none. Requirements are that we seek ambitiously to create the best family unit we can. To do this we MUST have our energy for family intact and refresh it and ourselves on a daily basis. What do you do to refresh your energy on a daily basis?

Make a note of this: I (meaning You) am Dean and Chancellor of Home University. As the Deans and Chancellors of Home University, as the Super-Heroes to our wee ones, it’s imperative that we keep in touch and in tune with our Mojo. Parenthood is a serious 18+ years project. At their birth we’re to pick up the mantle and engage as a Life coach.

We are training our children for greatness as we’re being trained in grace. Once the child is here, what is the big benefit to us? It is that, if we allow it, we are forever changed and inspired to the better and best we could possibly be. They are our call to Mt. Olympus. Isn’t that what deep, unconditional love does?

Why is mojo important in communicating with our children? Well, aside from what I’ve already stated, children are still in loud tune with Original Mojo. Think of it as taking up a significant amount of that 93% of in-person communication that is non-verbal.

It’s that part of communication that’s there before telepathy. It colors and flavors the message that being communicated. As Dean and Chancellor of Home University, does your home curriculum take into account the outrageous genius of your child(ren)? Does it respect and reflect yours?

I won’t dissect the intimate components of mojo here. That’s best done in my mentoring sessions. Let’s just say that for as many people as there are in the household, there is at least a multiple of three on each person as to the color and flavor of their exceptional natural capacity of intellect. The good news is, we can relax and just let it show and express itself. Remember this: Our exercise is to ‘relax’.

Mojo injects play. Let me tell you about one of my most favorite uncles. His nickname was Jabbo. He’s long gone now but his spirit, his mojo lives on in me. Like most people, he had a dark side but for me, it was his mojo that made him stand out.

He was upbeat and funny and was always playing and wrestling with us kids. I was born and raised poor in the South. My whole extended family was poor, including my uncle but he exuded a loud jovial confidence that made us feel magical.

I think the other expression for it is joie de vie. Joy of Life. Toward the end of his life, his dastardly deeds caught up with him but his big contribution to MY life was the Joy he brought to me every time I saw him… having a boring afternoon? Wrestle with Uncle Jabbo, he was always down with it for us kids. Stranded at school in the rain? He’d swoop in and pick us up. He always seemed to be there to the rescue. Magically. It’s the magic of Life that fascinates me to this day. That was his contribution. This illustrates the influence and contribution of others as well as parents.

When things are going your way and in a consistent flow, that’s your mojo working. When we’re able to identify it and work with it until it’s virtually tangible, we’re able to melt it into our kids. Do you have this as a subject of study and exploration in your home curriculum?

When our kids get a handle on their mojo, they’re happier and able to have more things go their way (that we want them to have go their way). Heaven forbid the kids have more mojo than YOU!!! What do you think will happen in that case? Would you be at their mercy? Would they bully you?

Honing a skill like that when they’re children helps to make their adult life a lot happier and easier as well. I’m sure you’ve met people that you considered magical. That whatever they touched turned to gold. Well, we’ve read about them at least…

It doesn’t HAVE to be only the upper 1/10th of 1% who we recognize as having their mojo working. There are some truly spectacular teachers, scientists and uber drivers out there who have it like that as well. What is your measurement of success? Is it happiness?

How does one develop their expression of their mojo? Remember this: your innate essence powers your mojo. To develop an ever flowing stream of mojo, joy, things going the way you want, all it takes is an absolute quiet in your negative thought and feeling activity. Developing that absoluteness is the exercise. How do you do this? If you want help with it, connect with me through the parenting assessment posted at the end of this program.

What if we don’t care about getting our mojo working? Then, the wheels come off the tricycle and we fall off! Have you ever heard the expression ‘Man cannot live on bread alone’? We need flavor and variety in our lives to keep our brains healthy. Our central nervous systems spark off of a certain amount of sugar… the sweetness in our lives. Our children are doomed to boring themselves and everyone else to death with their crassness if we don’t show them that mojo is something to aspire to ALL of their lives. Have them and yourself put the electronics down and hang out with their electrical insides.

From a global standpoint, a substantial loss in a sense of humor is what ails the world today. A sense of humor flavored with a healthy dose of humanity, understanding and compassion would cure a lot of ills, particularly in people who want to war. Using that power for good, good meaning loving people, is what mojo is all about.

Nationally, we as parents, lead the way in having love, joy and understanding [aka mojo] be the priority in how we conduct ourselves amongst ourselves and other nations. Our vested interest in our child’s future happiness and well-being as well as our own is the motivating factor. We sentence ourselves to self-annihilation or implosion if we don’t. What is your choice in this matter?

Locally, and in the home, is where it all starts. The attitudes, the attributes, the integrity, the humanity, respect, the compassion, the joy, ALL take root in the home. Our domain. If it is to be, it’s up to ‘we’. Are you on board with this? How easy is this? It’s as easy as ‘let it be’. It’s as easy as rain. It’s as easy as you already know it all.

When we as babes dawned upon this planet, we came here with a purity of spirit. Remember this: our pure spirit is our joie de vie, our mojo. It is the seat of our mojo. May it reign forever.

Our children come here with this same purity of spirit. When we remember that, we need to identify it in ourselves at the same time. This is one of the beauties of having children. They remind us of who we really are.

So tell me, what is your favorite way to keep your Mojo workin’? Here at The SAVE YOUR BREATH TV SHOW we help parents eliminate the stress and aggravation of parenting, whether your child is 5 or 50! If you need help with that, take advantage of the Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session you receive when you submit the parenting assessment at It’s a $250 value for free for a limited time.

What do parents do? Save Your Breath TV knows

What do parents do? Save Your Breath TV knows

At the Save Your Breath Show we’ll offer comfort, comprehension and conversations that help make the heroics of parenting easier. Do you know parents are heroes? They perform brave deeds daily.

What do parents do? They love, feed, nurture, protect, educate, groom, infuse. They house, dress, chauffeur, coach, work, PTA meetings, calls to the Principle’s Office, sporting events, theatre, music recitals. They inspire, build up, comfort, play, lead the way and generally keep a vigilant watch over the flock.

You know what I’m talking about? We aim to give the proper attention and respect to these Endangered Titans. Parents … the ones who start it all.

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