STRESS IS WINNING!!! "83% of Americans spend NONE of their day just thinking. (It was) found that being alone with no distractions such as the internet was so distasteful to 2/3 of men and 1/4 of women that THEY CHOSE to give themselves ELECTRIC SHOCKS rather than sit quietly in a room with nothing but the thoughts in their heads!" ~ Researchers at the U of VA. …
How INSANE is THAT? What percentage of these people are PARENTS? What’s our country coming to?
GOOGLE’s PLATFORM CHANGES have interferred with the functioning of the Save Your Breath App for Android. Please be patient while we endeavor to make adjustments. Thank You. … No need to let the kids know, tho.
Stressed and aggravated raising your child/children? I can help decompress your weary nerves. Allow me to give you a Complimentary Parenting Breakthrough Session. Email me at with your phone number and Let’s Schedule!
Stressed and aggravated parents, I have a resource for you! I will be speaking at our meetup on 3 steps to relieving the stress and aggravation of parenting and Sharon Tom will be revealing secrets to having better communication with your child(ren). Click here for the Meetup information. See You There!!!
Miss You. Hope you’ve missed me. Will fold back into my blogging any day….
Join me for 2 Introductory Hours to Peace & Patience November 7, 2015 from 10am – 12:30p in Novato, CA (Address will be given at RSVP to with your phone number.) Discover: – The blind spot that’s wrecking havoc on your parenting – It’s not necessary to repeat yourself over & over & over again – The biggest parenting mistake you may be committing (Put all of this from ‘Discover to committing’ in a circle, different color or other way to make pretty and stand out) “Rowena really helped me through some problems I was having with the problems one of my daughters was having. She helped me through that and EVERYTHING in my life is better because of her help. Including, parenting. I highly recommend her as a guide for any parent.” ~ Louise Edington, Parent and Life Path Catalyst at Your Cosmic Blueprint Rowena Starling, CEO & Founder of Save Your Breath, LLC is a Mother, Speaker, Investment Advisor Representative and has appeared on The Today Show with Bryant Gumbel, The O’Reilly Factor, World and Local News & Radio speaking about parenting. She has 2 BA degrees from CAL, Berkeley and over 30 years of extensive training & experience in what it takes to be happy. She’s been instrumental in healing family relationships, having played an important role in a friend being in remission from lupus for 5 years and counting.
Great lunch with NEW social media friends that I have met through @Ann Evanston’s Social Networking Coaching Club! It was gratifying to meet these people in person because I felt I already knew them, had talked with them for months online and even knew what their faces looked like! New friendships expanding…
Like love, friendship is not an absolute. There are shades from the pastel color of a new friend to the deep purple hues of a loving friend for whom you would risk your life. Loving others as I love myself is a tall order and the only order that renders ecstacy in my soul.
I suspect that is why we bother to seek friendship. Social media is yet another way we can allow this exploration of friendship…from the deep purple to the nice pastel that gives comfort on a lonely day.
What has been your ‘friendship’ experience online? Any ‘deep purple’ developments? I’d love to know.
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