Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

1) Know where they are at all times. Freedom comes at adulthood. 2) They need to know you need to know where they are at all times. 3) Have agreements about where and when they are to be where they’re supposed to be. 4) Instill honoring agreements. This prepares them for adulthood. As you know, our lives work to the degree we keep our agreements! 5) Stick to your guns! Employ your alphaness. 6) Listen with your whole body. 7) Ask questions that get to the facts. 8) Speak to the facts once they are all in. 9) Share your experience with troublesome issues. 10) You are not their friend. Keep parental status. 11) Investigate before condemning. Too often we jump to conclusions without looking deeply into a matter. 12) Look deeply into their feelings. How did you feel in the same or similar circumstances. 13) Look for opportunities to praise them. Give some form of praise every day. 14) Reward them (and yourself) daily with a hug. Whether they want one or not. 15) Let them see you doing or have done what you ask of them. 16) Explain what works and does not work toward their ultimate success. 17) Explain why work is to be an expression of their Joy and is necessary for their Happiness. 18) Teach them how to cope with difficulty. Your spiritual practice is key here. 19) Share funny stories of your life. Laugh with them often. 20) Reinforce The Golden Rule. Live it yourself. How are you at managing your teen(s)?

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