Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Parenting requires patience.  Meditation is needed by parents to maintain our HEALTH and SANITY!  Are you a crazy parent out there running around exhausted?  Have you said “If I have to say that one more time, I’ll scream!”?

Are you feeling exhausted, facing high blood pressure? How do you suppose your health is affected by parenthood? Meditation can help you with that! Take 5 to 20 minutes each day to quiet your mind and have it stay quieted. The many forms of meditation help you gain peace of mind.
A Meditation of mine:

1) Sit or lie in comfortable straight-back position.

2) Put in earplugs if needed to block out noise.

3) Relax every cell in body.

4) Close eyes, breathe deeply 5 times confirming every cell is relaxed.

5) Go to silence. (This may take 1 minute or many. The point is to get there and hang out as long as I can in the silence, 1 minute to 60. Like a muscle, the more I do it the longer I can hang out.)

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