Rowena Starling
Master Parent Mentor
Rowena Starling media

Daily inspiration to keep our sanity (I felt like I was losing it, often): the picture in our mind of the wonderful person that will be the adults we are raising. But first, we need to get them there. We need to know where they are at all times. Teenagers get more freedom but we still must do our level best to know where they are at all times!

World dangers are a big obvious reason but a less obvious reason is the connection itself. There is a subtle protection in this kind of connection, a sort of mental love tether that gives the child a subtle (or not so subtle) feeling of protection when they’re away from home and an added measure of self-esteem. We need all the self-esteem we can get! One of the big issues in society is our feeling of low self-esteem.

So I say, lets get ’em to adulthood in that vision we have of them. The teenage years help both parent & child gradually ween off of each other but until then…

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