Hello, this is Rowena Starling, The Golden Ruler. As I think about The Golden Ruler moniker, it occurs to me that we are all Golden Rulers. We Rule the airwaves that produce our futures. We alone dictate what our future holds.
If you will remember your thoughts and feelings of the past, you will see that what you have now in your life is what you thought about long ago. …Maybe not so long ago. Depends on how strong your mojo is. Some of us are able to manifest big things in a short period of time. Meditation aids me in creating what I want for my future and the future of anything or anyone I care about. Through meditation, I have been able to realize significant milestones in my life with ease. In this silent conversation with the Creator of All Things, I am whole and healed of any heartbreak or pain. It absolutely makes it very easy to do unto others as I would have them do unto me because in this state, oneness with all there is lets me see that what I do to others, I do to myself.
The Golden Rule, then, becomes something to which it is extremely easy to adhere. So…I invite you now to declare your Royal Title. Your Long Handle. Your Descriptive Appellation. There is a subconscious spiritual prophecy fulfillment that happens as we rise to meet our projection. It’s fun also for kids and teenagers to come up with their Royal or Superhero Title. Even if they don’t tell anyone what it is, this private secret can help with realizing one’s unique value. Put a smile on the face and a spring in the step as one feels empowered to flex their divinity. A touch point to the Power within. Let’s make it a game where one dresses up as this entity but it can be shared or kept secret. Who are you being? What powers do you flex?
Adults (parents) tend to water their dreams down as time goes along. A certain exuberance wanes as the stress of providing for loved ones takes hold. The pursuit of a ‘higher’ education in some field that would lead to the ultimate dream is dropped completely or is just a flicker in the back of our mind that gives us hope.
Some of us feel bad or beat ourselves up because we can’t provide our child(ren) with an ivy league education or private school and tutors. I just want to remind you that, though these things are wonderful luxuries, they are not the end-all of success. There are countless millionaires and multimillionaires who did not have this advantage, some didn’t even finish high school. It’s about what the person has going on INSIDE themselves.
The CORE point of education is to have the child (you too?) DISCOVER AND EXPAND their own individual power and creativity! There is no ‘higher’ education than that. If you’ve done that for your child or know that is all you’ll be able to give them, you’ve done the very best or will be giving the very best tool(s) for their ultimate success and happiness in Life.
It’s important that we don’t leave it ALL up to the schools they attend and equally important that we MONITOR what they’re getting in school that promotes the growth and development of their creativity, self esteem and personal power. If you’re lacking in these things for yourself then you’re exploring for two (or more). Hard to give what you don’t have.
Do you lament not getting a ‘certain’ education as an adult?
The catch-22 of financial fears is: you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t AND what you fear most happens! As with most things in life, when we feel better about the situation, the ultimate outcomes are better than they would have been otherwise. Money can be ‘influenced by our feelings’ into the direction we want it to go. (Our collective feelings influence the direction of the stock market. Let’s all feel real good at all times!)
People ask me “What do financial feelings/fears have to do with child discipline?” They ask me this because I often write or talk about the relationship of child discipline and the feelings people have about money. The answer is simple. Raising a child brings added financial pressure (to the tune of apx. $250,000 over 18 years) and without parental control tools of varying degrees of potency; hard financial times, kids being kids and parental self neglect can yield harsh action taken out on kids!
The care and feeding of children requires we guide (train) and protect them (often from themselves). New humans have a lot of ‘I am free’ and too little of ‘this could kill me’! The catch-22 occurs here too but we parents soldier through pretty well when it comes to the kids.
It is the money issue that scares the bejesus out of most of us and have us paralyzed in angst. I say relax and feel good. Influence money and kids in the direction of good fortune!!!
To what degree do you worry about money, adversity, your child’s future? …Your future? What is your catch-22?
Thanks very much for participation in the contests!
In case you missed the first one, Contest #2 is underway with several prizes still left to give out.
The App is free, but if you don’t have an Android phone to play with, did you know you can still enter the contest on behalf of someone who does?
Let’s face it. In today’s world parents really need all the help they can get. If you’d like to help others realize there’s a sane way to communicate with teens that’s a lot safer than just taking a phone away (after all you need them to be able to call home or emergency services), simply help tweet/facebook/youtube about the app. Go to Contest Details to link your accounts and it will count up points while you proceed with your life- and talk about us!
Thanks to everyone who’s involved helping get our little App recognized 🙂
Own Your Mind. Make this the year of living ‘clearly’. Take control of it. Clarity trumps stress. It’s there first. Keep it first. No matter where you are in your parenting process, you can be clear about where you are at any given moment and make a decision to stay there or leave.
Perhaps you are ‘clearly’ stressed. Do you power through until you collapse and make yourself seriously ill? I propose that we stop doing that. Take your rest and comfort BEFORE you ‘really need it’.
Our minds want us to believe that the trade off is failure or disgrace. The real tradeoff is your life. Our minds are the boss of us for only as long as we let them and as long as we let them, they will run us into the ground.
Parental stresses are ‘out there’, not inside. Stop bringing them in to roost on your nerves and heart. Remember, you are simultaneously teaching your child how to handle life. Hand them lessons on how to BE and maintain their clarity that they can KNOW.
In all of the conversation sets about having to say the same things over and over again in the training of our kids, has anyone considered what this constant mental recording is doing to the minds of us parents? I suspect this regularly recurrent meowing & barking that we parents do comes back to haunt us in old age. As a single parent I found myself having to say the same things over and over and over again. I’d say to myself ‘If I have to say that one more time, I’ll scream! I wonder if this is a nightmare in the making, saying this stuff repeatedly…
As an 80 or 90 year old would I, or do they, shoot straight up in a cold sweat in the bed screaming ‘get up!, get up! get up!, clean your room, clean your room, clean your room!, don’t talk back to me, I’m not one of your little friends!’ Just wondered if this is what’s coming because you’re not just saying it over and over to the kid, you’re also recording it over and over to yourself. Is this a nightmare for which we have to look out?
I know that at the age I am now, there were life skills people could have shared with me ,who were my age now when I was in my 30s & 40s. Stuff I would have liked to have known in detail so that I could have avoided some child behavior problems. Thing about it is, they didn’t! So I wonder what the 80 and 90 year olds aren’t telling us 50 & 60 year olds now…
Why risk it? Why not have modern technology ‘say it for us’!? I have no interest in jumping up out of the bed as an 80 year old, looking crazy, saying the same crap over and over again because I ‘got’ it and the kid didn’t!
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